The Article Ch 21

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We walked to dinner, and Hermione and I waited outside until McGonagall was done with her speech to the students.

"Tonight we are going to have two guests dine with us. I want everyone to be on their best behavior," she spoke to them in an authoritative but kind voice, one that reminded me of Dumbledore, "They are going to speak to you before dinner starts. They are here because recently there have been some attacks on students by other students. Some of which have involved language that I never want to hear come out of another student's mouth. Now or after you graduate from this school. They are here because they grew up very differently, yet they came together. They put aside their differences for love, and that should be reason enough for you to put aside your differences as well. There is also a reporter here because they will share something with you that only their closest family know about. They agreed to this because it will show you how love and friendship can overcome hate and prejudice. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, would you please." She motioned for us to walk out. 

I took Hermione's hand, and we walked out together; I immediately looked for Scorp. He was sitting far away from everyone else, except this one red-headed girl. That must be Molly, I thought. Everyone looked awestruck by Hermione, but at the same time angry with me. It had been so long, and still, after everything, people hated me because of my name. Hopefully, this would change that.

Hermione started, "Good evening, I am Hermione Malfoy, and this is my husband. We are going to talk to you today about love and forgiveness. When I went to school here before the Second Wizarding War, there were many prejudices about muggle-borns. Draco being a pureblood was taught to believe those lies how we didn't deserve to be here learning with them. But through time, he realized that what he learned was wrong, that it didn't matter that I was muggle-born, I was a person, and that made us equal. On the other hand, I learned to hate Draco because of what he stood for because he hated me. I hated him back. I studied all of the time to be better than him. Through time I learned that  I should have been compassionate toward him, that I didn't understand how he had been fed lies. It was too late, though. War was beginning, and we were on opposite sides. Draco was marked, and I was trying to find a way to put an end to it. When we came back to finish our studies, Draco helped me. He helped me climb out of a hole I was sinking into. I helped him. We helped one another and fell in love. Love is what helped erase the pain of what we had been through. Love is what took it away." As she said this, I rolled up my sleeve. The place where my mark used to be was blank, just pale white skin. 

The entire room gasped. Everyone, even the first years, knew there should have been a dark mark on his arm. Even the teachers looked amazed. I looked at Scorp. He looked so happy. People were looking at him and then up at me; the gaps seemed to fill around him. It worked. Even though this was hard for me to do, it would cause problems in the near future. I know it helped my children. That is all we can do as parents. I was brought out of my thoughts by a flash that was someone taking a picture of my arm.

"Anything else you would like to add, Mr. Malfoy?" it was the reporter asking.

I looked at him and thought. "Yes, I would like to say, how ashamed I was of my past, how sorry I am to everyone I ever hurt, or that was ever hurt by the war. I thank Merlin every day that I found Hermione that she gave me the love I didn't deserve. We healed one another, and I will protect her and the rest of my family until I die. I love them. That is why it went away." I nodded at him as he wrote everything down and then left. Hermione and I sat down and ate, and afterward, we went back to the house. We were going to be on the front page tomorrow. We increased security around the manor and picked the kids up. Tomorrow we were staying in.

Malfoy's Announce Biggest News of the Decade At Hogwarts

Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy arrived at Hogwarts yesterday morning, to be hosted by the headmistress as guests. They spoke about love and forgiveness to the students as the latest conflict throughout the school settles down. Insiders tell us that James Potter and Marcus Flint got into a fight over Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco and Hermione Malfoy. The fight included words about Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy that drew concerns to the school. After their speech about how they had healed one another and are still madly in love with four kids, the oldest a first year at Hogwarts, Mr. Malfoy showed us something very interesting.

After unrolling his sleeves, he revealed to the entire school that he was no longer marked. The dark mark that was on his arm previously was gone. No one in history has ever been able to be rid of theirs. This starts the question, how did he do it? 

His answer Hermione Granger and the rest of his family. They showed him love, and he loved them back, which was something he could never do. That is why his mark disappeared. What is the next step for the Malfoy's and their children? How long has he been without his mark? Why didn't they tell us before? Do the Potter's know? Many more questions will stem from this piece of news, I am sure, but for now, we are only sure of one thing, Draco Malfoy is no longer a Death Eater. 

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