Thanks Ch 38

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James POV

It was the morning after the quidditch match, and I was heading down to breakfast. I ran into Scorpius and Molly as I was walking.

"How is she?" Molly asked.

"Better, I think," I replied, honestly. "I told her if anyone tries to harass her about it, then the three of us were going to have her back." 

"Sounds about right." Scorpius nodded. We walked into the Great Hall to find Lyra sitting all alone. Everyone else spread as far away from her as possible.

"So, do you think the better is gone?" Scorp asked me.

"Yep." I sighed. We all walked over to her, and the three of us sat down. I looked at Scorpius and Molly and smiled my thanks to them.

"Lyra, they will come around; they are just gits." Scorpius started.

"No, it is because they are afraid of me and what I can do." She never looked up from the table. I looked over and saw Teddy looking at her. I motioned for him to come over. He got the message and stood up from his own house table and sat next to Molly. 

"Hello, Lyra." He smiled at her, and she looked up.

"Hello, Teddy." Since last year they had become friends, maybe if we can surround her with people, it will help. Albus seemed to have received the message because he soon sat down across from her. 

"Lyra, I need your help." He stated frankly. We all shot him glares, but I knew what he was doing. "What is SPEW."

She looked up furiously. "It isn't SPEW. It is S.P.E.W. Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Hasn't my mother gone over this with you?"

"Right, I forgot. Would you tell me about it, please?" Albus was trying really hard to get her to go on one of her rants.

"No." I looked at her. No rant; she really was upset. I looked at Scorpius, who had the same expression on his face. I didn't know what to do. Then she started crying. I panicked, and without thinking about the promise I had made to Scorp, I pulled her into me. She stopped crying almost immediately and just stayed there. I was about to say something when McGonagall walked up to the podium.

"I see that the house that values loyalty is not being very loyal to one of its members. I want to think my house would act better. Lyra Malfoy performed extraordinary magic yesterday that only comes along once a century. Shunning her is a disgrace to the house of Godric Gryffindor. I am not pleased at all." Everyone was looking at us now. Me holding Lyra, Molly, and Scorp had frowned on their faces looking at the rest of my house. Teddy had gotten up and was standing behind me now; I could tell even though I wasn't looking at him, he was ready to fight anyone who said anything bad about Lyra. Albus stood up suddenly. 

"Why is everyone staring at her. Absolutely ridiculous. She saved my brother, and you last I checked, Gryffindor, you wouldn't have beaten my house yesterday if it wasn't for that." He sat down and turned red immediately; he doesn't ever speak to that many people. I watched as the Slytherins shrugged and went back to their breakfast, Ravenclaws who didn't seem bothered by her in the first place, just turned back around and started discussing some riddle they had last night, and the Hufflepuffs just smiled at Lyra, who I felt smile back. 

I was still disappointed in my own house, however. That was until I noticed people start to slide over on the benches and get closer to the 6 of us. 

"Thank you, Albus." Lyra finally sat up, wiped her tears, and let go of me. I felt warm where she had been, and I missed it already. 

"Thank you all." she gave one of her radiating smiles that we see so little of and then looked at me.

"All four limbs as promised." Was all I could say. She laughed, and I smiled at her.

Teddy sat back down when he was satisfied he wasn't going to need to duel anyone, and then we all had breakfast together. Once everyone had left, Lyra looked at me before going to class.

"Thanks." She said with a smile. I could still feel where her body had been. It was like it was meant to be there. I loved her even more. I always would. 

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