The Basement CH 27

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Hermione's POV

I knew that separating from Draco was a risk. We had all agreed not to try and reach one another in case people were watching us. We were all worried about being in danger, especially if they found out that Draco and I had been married. 

"Hurry Hermione, we need to go." my thoughts were interrupted by Arthur's voice. We were standing outside of the manor and about to go in. Ginny and I were holding all of our children's hands. I had the twins in each hand, then they were holding onto Lyra and Scorpius. Ginny was somehow holding all three of her kid's hands. James had protested, but I think he quickly sensed the gravity of the situation ad gave in. 

We went to step inside the gates where we would be safe until 10 people had us surrounded. Arthur, Molly, Ginny, and I quickly had our wands out. We had made a barrier around the kids. This was not happening. I knew I would do anything to protect my children. I suddenly understood Lily Potter's choices that night, the night Harry got his scar. I would die for them if that kept them safe. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that, though.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the mudblood and the blood traitors. Why would you all be in front of Malfoy Manor? Were you going to turn yourself in? Didn't you know we live here now?" A man that was standing in front of the group was talking to us. I had never seen him before and was hoping that he hadn't noticed how much my children looked like Draco at this moment. I knew Ginny was thinking the same thing. Our children resembled their fathers, and that could pose many problems at that moment. I was hoping that my children wouldn't speak about how we lived here, but they seemed to understand not to speak.

"Since none of you are going to talk, I guess we will just have to take you in." Another man was talking now. He seemed nervous, like he didn't want to be taking us. He didn't look older than Draco had when he had been pulled into being a death eater. I instantly thought of Draco. How were we going to tell him? Then I thought really hard, and the coins from DA appeared in my hand. I had become very good at wandless magic throughout the years, but I knew I wasn't good enough to take all these people out in one swoop. Even if I got most of them, I would put the kids in danger; going with them seemed like the safest choice. I quickly wrote a message on my coin. I knew Harry still carried one around. I saw it when we were in America. 

I grabbed my kids, and Ginny followed suit; we walked in the middle of the death eaters for a long way until we reached a house; luckily, they didn't separate us. 

"What are we going to do 'Mione?" Ginny asked as soon as they were gone.

"I messaged Harry if he still his coin, then he will know that we were taken. I also said we walked west of the Manor and are in a house. Hopefully, that is enough." I was scared. I pulled my kids into my chest and started to tear up. Arthur looked at us and pulled all of us into a hug.

"Mom." Lyra suddenly said. 

"Yes, sweetheart."

"Dad is going to find us, right. I still haven't got my books for Hogwarts yet. Or my letter." She looked so innocent at that moment.

"Yes. He is."

Soon the younger man came down and took Molly and Arthur away. As soon as they were gone, Ginny started to cry.

"Mom, don't cry. Grandma and Grandpa are going to be okay." James was hugging his mom. Why was this happening again? We fought to make it so our kids wouldn't have to go through this again. The man came back hours later and threw them back into the cell. They looked like they had broken bones and cuts everywhere. I quickly rushed over to them and started trying to relieve their pain as much as possible without my wand. After an hour,  I had done all I could without my wand. 

"It wasn't as bad as the snake," Arthur said when I finished.

"Dad." Ginny was speaking barely above a whisper.

"Ginny, everything is going to be fine," I spoke. I was confident now. When he came back, I was going to get his wand and get us out of here. I was determined. I would not give up.

"Lyra, Scorpius, James." They looked at me. "I need you to be brave next time that man comes back. Go sit over there in the dark corner and protect the little kids, okay." Lyra nodded and grabbed their hands, and took the rest of the kids to the corner. Ginny sat in the middle of the room. She was going to a wall between him and the kids. Molly and Arthur were going to be too weak.

It was a long night, and I never went to sleep, Draco and Harry still were not here, and I was worried that Harry might not have got my message. The man came down right when the sun was coming up, and when he opened the door, I thought as hard as I could, and he was soon on the floor, knocked out. Ginny looked at me, amazed, and I quickly found his wand. I walked out slowly and closed the door. Someone would come soon to check on him, I was sure, and I would need to take their wand as well so Ginny could have one to apparate the kids out 2 at a time. I was correct, and I did the same thing as before. She quickly grabbed Albus and Lily apparated to the ministry. The next thing I knew, 3 men were coming down the stairs.

I heard the twins crying, and the three older kids were trying to get them to quiet down. I shot at the biggest man first and then the other two. It had been a while since I had to protect myself in this manner, but it seemed to all come flooding back to me. Ginny was back with Draco; he looked distraught. She grabbed James and Lyra, and Draco grabbed the twins. That left Molly, Arthur, Scorp, and I. I was praying they would go fast. I wanted to be out of this place. Soon Draco was back, we grabbed Scorpius, looked at me, smiled slightly, and left. The kids were safe. Everything was fine. 

I grabbed Molly and Arthur's hands and apparated to St. Mungos. 

I knew that we were safe, but why didn't they fortify the basement like the Malfoy's had, was their plan to let us escape. I was worried now. 

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