"Lillian, baby, I'm so sorry"

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Lillian pov-

Okay girl, you've got this. You'll just walk up to her door, knock, then hopefully get the chance to talk.

What if she hates me, doesn't let me talk, or maybe just slams the door in my face. Fuck Lillian just get over yourself, get out of the car, and go talk to her.

Ugh, okay we're doing this. I knock on the door, it takes a few seconds before the door opens up. I see Kamden's look of disappointment and sadness, I feel my heart drop.

"Hey, can I come in?" I ask, she gives me a skeptical look before moving over. "Sure." She says bluntly. I walk into her apartment, taking a seat on the loveseat.

We sit in silence, staring at each other expectantly. "So, you what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" Kamden asks sarcastically. "I'm here to apologize, actually." I say lowly. She nods for me to go on.

"I'm here to say that I'm highly sorry for whatever made you break up with Matty. I'm sorry for actually thinking I had the right to be upset over your relationship with Matty. Yes, he is an ex that played a significant part in my life, but he's not mine anymore. I would chose George over him any day, so I don't know why I almost let this ruin everything. You deserve to be happy, seeing you and Matty like this makes it all shitty on my end. Even if you're still upset with me, and don't want to talk. At least go see Matty, you both deserve some closure." I ramble, quickly standing back up.

She didn't say anything as I walked towards the door. "So, I'll see you tomorrow at work? I've got plenty to catch you up on." She says, I turn around with a smile on my face. "See you at 2:30, Bitch." I joke, she laughs. I walk out, sudden urge to sigh in actual relief.

I was already driving away, when my phone started buzzing in the passenger seat beside me. I turn my head to the side to pick it up, but before I reach the phone I felt the car jerk. Glass shattered everywhere, then it was black.


"I'm so sorry." I heard the same voice say repeatedly. I open my eyes, George coming clear in my vision. I shift a little on the hard bed. "Oh my God, Lillian are you okay?" He asks, I retract my hand from his. "Who are you?" I ask jokingly, his face drops.

"I'm your boyfriend! We've been best friends for years, we met at a coffee shop!" He says hurriedly, I crack a smile at him. "I know." I state, he gives me a dirty look. "You're an asshole, you know? I was about to have a panic attack." He says, I grab his hand again.

"What happened?" I ask, he starts rubbing the back of my hand. "It's all my fault really, I'm so sorry." He says, I squeeze his hand. "Just tell me, it's okay." I reassure. "I was trying to call you, but you got hit from the side because I distracted you." He says, I see tears welling up in his eyes. "Hey, it's okay. It was my fault for trying to answer. Don't worry about it, look I'm alive. It's all okay babe." I coax him, he nods. "Sorry doesn't fix your broken arm." He says, I look over at my right arm, I start laughing.

"What are you laughing at now?" He asks, I shake my head. "I honestly didn't notice that my arm was broken and had a cast on it. Wow, this is too much." I say, sudden panic taking over. "Hey it's okay, Lillian calm down it's okay." George says, noticing my breathing becoming more erratic.

My hands were shaking still, but my breathing had calmed down. "I can't believe I got in a wreck, this is not okay. Wow." I whisper to myself. "Hey, it's going to be fine. I'll pay for your car to be fixed or we can get a new one." He says, my eyes widen. "You're not going to pay for anything like that! I'll be fine." I say incredulously. "I don't mind helping with it, I can also help with your hospital bills if you need to." He adds, I shake my head.

"You don't get it, do you? I don't want your help with money." I say rudely, he sighs. "I'm going to go grab some coffee, want something from the cafeteria?" He asks, scooting his chair back. I shake my head as a no, he walks out shortly after.

I close my eyes, why is life this fucking way? "Trying to go asleep again?" A voice says as they knock on the door. I open my eyes, Kamden coming into my vision. "I guess not, since you're here now." I reply, she chuckles, taking a seat by my bed.

"What the hell did you do? George called me and told me that you were in the hospital." She tells me, looking at my cast. "Someone hit my car because George was calling me and I became distracted from it. It was my fault, but he believes it's his. I kinda just snapped at him, he's out getting some coffee." I tell her, she nods. "I just passed him in the hall, he looked upset. What did you snap at him about?" She asks, I sigh.

"George offered to pay for my car and then for my hospital bills. I know it's a kind offer, but I don't want it." I say, she shrugs. "Hell, if someone offered to pay for something like that I would gladly accept." She says with a laugh. I give her a look and she stops laughing.

"I know that it's very kind of him and it's an amazing offer. It just that Matty bought all kind of shit for me, and he only did it to cover up for every time he did something wrong. He'd buy expensive things after we fought, it's just I never know true intentions. Plus, the media already hates me because 'I've gone from one band member to the next,' I don't want them to think I'm a gold digger." I express to her, she smiles.

"I think saying things like that make you seem like a good person for not wanting that perception of yourself. I didn't know about that Matty thing, is that true?" She asks, she sounded a little defeated.

"It's true, but our relationship was so toxic. We were both toxic for each other. So, wipe that worried look off your face, don't let that stop you from being with him." I tell her, she smiles. "Thank you." She says, dropping her head a little.

"You still haven't called him yet, have you?" I ask, she shakes her head. "No, I just don't think he wants to see me. I wouldn't even want to see me! I've been so horrible to him, I've let him down twice now. I'm scared if I go back one more time, what if he doesn't want me this time?" She panics, I grab her arm.

"Listen here, don't panic okay. He took you back the first time, and if he likes you as much as he says; you'll be back in his arms in no time." I reassure, she grins. "I really love you, you know that?" She chuckles, I nod. "What can I say?" I say with a shrug.

"You guys seem like best friends again." George says with 2 cups of coffee in his hands. "Who said we stopped?" Kamden sasses, I laugh at her lightly.

"I know you're upset Lill, but I brought you a coffee anyways. You can deny that you don't want anything, but I know you better than that." I smile generously when he hands me the coffee. "Get down here and kiss me you fool." I demand, he chuckles before kissing my lips lightly. "Are you feeling okay? You feel really warm?" He says as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"My head hurts but I figured it was the side effects of pain meds." I tell him, I shrug off my pain and sip some of the coffee. "Ah, just right." I smile against the cup. "Are you sure you're okay, your face is really red." Kamden says, I shake my head. "I feel fine. My head just really hurts but besides that I'm okay." I say, my head feeling heavy.

I close my eyes for a few seconds, George touches my shoulder lightly. "You should probably stay awake, Kam go get the nurse okay." George reassured, kam gets up quickly to leave. "Look at me baby, okay." He says, I nod.

"You're gonna be fine." He says while rubbing my head. "I'm fine I promise." I say, he nods. The nurse comes in quickly, she asks what is wrong, then George explains for me.

"Lillian, can you open your eyes up wide for me?" She asks, putting the flashlight to them. "Okay sweet girl, let's get you to CT ASAP." She says quickly moving around, pushing my bed towards the door. "What's going on?" I ask groggily. "Your eyes are not reacting to the light, we've got to go. Now." The nurse says, others had already crowded too.

"Lillian, baby, I'm sorry." George yells out, I didn't have a chance to answer because we were already turning towards the CT room.

Such a dramatic chapter haha merry crisis.
Bout to publish my new book, hit that shit up.
Probably some errors, but what can I say.

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