"There's no rule book for love."

138 5 2

2 weeks later

Lillian pov-

George and I never got the chance to talk, we were both caught up in finding a place for Kamden to stay in.

We did find her a cheap apartment, luckily for her it came with some decent furniture. George paid for the first 3 months and the down payment, as he promised. I pulled some strings with Dana, and managed to get her a job at Gordon's.

I love people like Kamden, the people who you can just randomly connect with and it's like instant best friend. George has told us both that he's been jealous of Kamden for taking his best friend away, I reassure him that he's just overreacting.

I liked having her at the restaurant, she makes the boring days so much better; just like today.

"So, you're officially moved in... living on your own. How do you feel?" I ask, we had begun to wipe the tables off. "Feels great, I love being independent. I've got a jar with my paycheck and tips in it, I've got enough right now for the 4th payment and almost a quarter of the electric." She explains, I smile widely. "Good, at least you pick up a lot of shifts." I point out, she nods. "It helps a lot." She tells me. "I'm sure it does." I agree.

"George may be oblivious, but I'm not. So, when are you going to tell George that you like him?" She asks randomly. We may have become closish friends, but I have not told her that I like her cousin; I thought that may be a tad awkward.

"What do you mean?" I ask, it's better to act like I don't know, maybe she'll drop the belief. "I'm George's cousin, I've known everyone he's had feelings for and same for the girl. It's quite obvious, I just can't believe he hasn't made a move yet. You two would be quite the couple." She says, I blush visibly.

"Is it that obvious? Really?" I ask, she nods. "If I wasn't related to George and knew who you personally were, I would of assumed you guys were dating. Hell, you guys even act married sometimes!" She says, my eyes widen. "That's so sad, wow." I say, I pick up the 3 glasses and put them in the dirty dish bucket.

"So, are you going to tell him soon?" She asks, I shrug. "I'm not sure. What if he doesn't feel the same?" I question, she bursts out into a obnoxious laugh. "Really Lillian? Are you that blind?" She asks, I shake my head. "I'm being serious." I say, she chuckles.

"If only you could of heard all the things he rambled about while you were gone and when I was at his place. It's crazy how much a guy can talk about one girl." She tells me exasperatedly.

"I'll talk to him about it soon, I just don't want to ruin our friendship." I say, she nods. "You can be best friends while dating. There's no rule book for love." She inquires, I nod. "You're right." I say, she scoffs. "I always am." She replies sarcastically.

We take the dirty dishes to the kitchen, then sit on the bar stools; hoping customers would come in. Fall is slowly turning into winter, I hate the weather; however, we have a delightful menu for winter and Dana says it usually gets busy during the winter.

"So, have you heard from your ex?" She asks, I tense up. I never told her his name, she didn't know I dated her cousins best friend so I kept Matty anonymous. "He sent me a sympathy message about my aunt, it was a kind gesture. We both don't hate each other. We want each other to be happy, or at least I want that for him." I say truthfully.

I don't hate Matty, I don't cry over him, and I don't worry about him anymore. After the wedding, I came to terms with the words I spoke to him. I was right about me being a new, happy person. I wanted that for myself, so the least I could do was hope that for a fellow human being.

"That's very kind of you, to want that for him." She says, I nod. "I guess, it's what I want for everyone." I tell her, she chuckles. "Of course you do." She says, I nod.

"Well, my shift is almost over. I'm going to start finishing up my stuff." I say, I start to organize the bar one last time. "Be careful going home. Tell George about you liking him! You have to risk it to get the biscuit!" She yells as I start to walk towards the door. "Please, never say that I again." I yell back, shaking my head slowly.

I step out of the restaurant, the air was bitterly cold. I think of my warm home, George's arms wrapping around me, and us cuddling while watching a Disney movie; that's how every night turned out after work.

The thoughts distracted me enough to ignore the cold, and make it to the house safely. As I walk in the door, I throw my keys on the table by the door. "I'm home!" I yell, George emerges from his bedroom.

"Ah, finally. I've missed you." He says, like he does every night when I come home from work. "I'll change into my pjs and meet you in the living room for movie time. What are we watching tonight?" I ask, he smirks. "A Walk to Remember." He says, my heart flutters. "Are you trying to make me cry?" I ask, grasping my heart. "Yes." He says bluntly, I laugh then punch him lightly.

I walk into my room, I see a letter laying on my bed. "Your birthday week begins now. Can't wait to spoil you, get ready best friend. This is just the beginning." It reads, I look over to desk and see a dozen of roses sitting in a pretty vase. I roll my eyes at the cheesiness, he's adorable.

I change and come back out, he had a cocky smile on his face. "Thanks for the roses, but red is least favorite colored rose." I fake complain, it was actually my absolute favorite. "Shit! I could of swore you said red a while ago! I can get you white, yellow, pink! Which one?" He asks worriedly, I start laughing loudly. "I was kidding, red is my favorite. I love them, thank you for them." I say, he sighs. "You're welcome, your birthday is in 6 days, are you excited?" He asks.

"I guess, I haven't really thought of it. I'm glad you reminded me." I jokingly say, he rolls his eyes. "Like I wouldn't think of it. You know what else I've been thinking of?" He asks, I shrug. "That would be?" I plea. "You told me weeks ago that you had something to say. I've been waiting." He says, my heart rate picks up.

This is my time to do it. I start to think of what both my aunt and uncle said, them Kamden. This is my shot, my open door.

"I don't want to ruin anything." I say, he gives me a face. "You can't ruin anything! We're best friends, you can tell me anything." He says, I sigh. "That's the problem, we're best friends." I mumble, somehow he understood it still. "How is our friendship a problem?" He asks, I shake my head.

"Kamden was right, you're so oblivious." I say while shaking my head. George grabs ahold of my hand. "Please, just spit it out. You're making me nervous." He says, I feel my stomach knot up. "I have feelings for you." I blurt out, I close my eyes tight; maybe it'll make me disappear.

He doesn't say anything, so that makes me screw one eye open. He was wearing a huge smile, it was like he was stuck in happiness. "God! For fucksake, it took forever." He says and grabs my face quickly, pulling me into a deep kiss. I go to pull away after a few seconds, but he keeps bringing me in to peck my lips quickly.

"So, I'm going to take that as a 'the feeling is mutual,' am I right?" I ask sarcastically. "Yes the feeling is mutual. I've been waiting for what feels like a long time." He says, I smile. "I just didn't want you to get any backlash for being Matty's friend and bandmate." I explain, he shrugs. "My life doesn't revolve around Matty, if I like you... then I like you. Which, I do." He says, I chuckle.

"Well, I like you also." I say, he pecks my lips once more. "It feels good to be able to do that." He says happily. "It does indeed." I say with a smile. "Now I need a new grand finale for your birthday week, I was going to ask you out for your birthday." He says, my eyes widen. "Really? Thats so adorable!" I say, he gives me a goofy grin. "I know." He says.

"Well, you haven't even asked me out yet. You just keep kissing me." I kid with him. He loses his smile, then becomes serious. "Lillian Jade Montgomery... will you please be my girlfriend?" He asks, I cringe at my full name. However, I smile widely. "I mean, if you insist." I say and this time I'm the one to kiss him.



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