Chapter 1

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My eyes gleamed as I smiled. "You think I'll just let you go?" I said while walking towards the man. "A bastard like you?"

The man stared at me. "Umm, what are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up! You think you can escape me?!" I yelled at the man. He just sighed. "Where are your brothers?"

I pursed my lips before turning around. "Bet you didn't know I have a gun."

The man's eyes widened as stared at my body, as if searching for the gun. I pulled one out and pointed it at him. "You're going to regret not taking me seriously."

He paled and begged me not to kill him. I smirked, and walked closer to him.

"Idiot." I heard before getting hit on the head. The gun was snatched from my hands and I rubbed my head. "Ow!" I yelled, turning to see my 2 elder brothers.

"Ugh... not this again Callan." My eldest brother, Damian said. My second eldest brother, Sam, just laughed.

My two other twin brothers were not there, however, which I was actually happy about.

My four brothers were all in the mafia. And I was the youngest. Our dear mother passed away when I was six years old, and since then, my father passed the position to my four brothers.

I wanted so badly to join, but I wasn't old enough, and I wasn't the strongest. As a child, I was often in bed due to my heart problems.

I glared at Damian and Sam before walking out. I stuck my tongue out before running out of the room.

The five of us had only one thing in common. Our gold eyes. Although our father has blue eyes, our mother had passed her golden eyes down to us.

I walked passed the twins and glared at them, which they ignored. The twins, Adrian and Andrew were the annoying types that never left you alone. But they were also the most dangerous. Since Damian knew his limits, and Sam was never interested in torturing others, the two just took over the job.

I was stomping down the hall before a hand fell on my head. "Hey shorty. What's cracking?" Zack asked. Zack was the reckless type. Best friends with Damian, he often was left in charge when Damian was gone.

Amara stood next to him. Her long blonde hair falling everywhere. She was kind, but strong. She could punch the balls off someone like me in a snap, but she was loyal.

I crossed my arms. "I'm outta here." I said while continuing my stomping. Amara watched me, smiling. "Don't be a baby Callan."

I turned my head and gave her a harsh glare. She just laughed along with Zack.

I flopped myself onto the sofa and covered my face in a pillow. We are all different. Damian had brown hair, Sam had blonde, and the twins had red. While I had black. The strange thing is how the 5 of us all came out differently. Since our mother had blonde hair, and our father had brown, and our aunt had red, it was a mystery where my black hair came from. But no one thought much of it.

My father walked in with a bright smile plastered on his face. Our father wasn't old nor weak. In fact, he was packed with muscle.

All of my brothers were. Except for me. I sent him a bored look and rolled over. He stared at me, confused. "What, you on your period?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at him before standing up. "I'm going to the store." I said before grabbing my sweater. My dad laughed. "Not without one of your brothers you're not."

I gaped before glaring even harder. "This house is a nightmare!" I yelled. I heard snickers and saw Adian and Andrew standing at the entrance.

I glared at them, but they just laughed, which made me even angrier. Damian walked in and stared at the three of us. "Ugh. Come on Callan. I'll bring you."
He said while grabbing the keys to his car.

I shook my head. "I'll walk." I said simply. Damian sighed. "You know you can't. Just get in the car."

I crossed my arms and glared, but Damian's glare was not exactly easy to beat. So I just complied with his orders.

While we drove, I stared out the window. Ever since I was young, I've had nightmares of my mother. Like she was blaming me for her death. I never told anyone, so I just tried to distract myself.

"We're here." Damian said. I realized I had been daydreaming and snapped out of it. "Ok." I said before getting out. Truth be told, I just wanted to get away from the house. I'm broke. I can't buy anything. What can I say. I don't have a job, and my brothers and my dad won't give me cash.

I followed Damian inside and shoved my hands into my pockets. "Callan." Damian called. I looked at him and shrugged. "So, what're you going to buy?" He asked. I paled.

"Umm, I have to see if they have it." I said, silently high-fiving myself. Damian just nodded as I looked around the dairy section. "Nope. Guess they got rid of it." I said before skipping off.

"Stop right there punk." I heard someone say. I turned my head and widened my eyes. Shane. Shane was our families enemy. Like, another family of mafia's. Except they earned their title. And Shane was the leader.

He walked up to me and I looked around for Damian, who was nowhere to be found. "Uh, hi Shane." I said with a nervous smile. Shane looked amused as he slowly walked towards me.

"Where's your dumb brothers?" He asked with a grin. I gulped. "Uhh, I'm alone. Just getting me some cheerios."

He laughed. His voice weirdly husky. "So, Callan, you came here all alone, no brothers?" He said with a tilted smile.

I stepped back. "Yup. Just me. No brothers." I said, trying to hide my fear.
He laughed as he grabbed my wrist, freaking me out.

"Hmm, so an innocent boy, all alone?" He said, smirking. I suddenly lost it, grabbing his wrist and chomping it, making him screech in pain as I ran away.

"You!" He yelled as I ran for my dear life. But I didn't see Damian walking towards me, so as I bumped into him, I fell. But of course, Damian being Damian, he wasn't at all bothered by my little stumble and caught me.

"Jesus Callan, where were you?" He said. I just pointed at Shane, who was walking over. Damian's eyes turned cold as he faced Shane.

"Hey bastard." Shane said, smiling once again. Damian looked at me, then Shane. "What business do you have with my brother?" Damian asked.

Shane just laughed. "I just wanna knock the life out of him." He said, smiling at me. I sent a glare, but stopped when Damian looked at me.

"Well, we have to go, so.... don't touch him." Damian said, grabbing me and pulling me along. I smiled as I stuck my tongue out at Shane. But when Shane took a step towards us, I stopped and grabbed onto Damian, which he found absolutely funny.

"What the hell was that?" Damian asked me. I shrugged. "I felt threatened." I said simply. Damian shook his head. "What'd you do that angered him?" He asked. I avoided eye contact before twiddling my thumbs. "I kinda sorta bit him."

Damian's eyes widened before I saw a small smile. He suddenly bursted into laughter and I watched with surprise. "You bit a mafia leader?" He asked, tears running down his face.

I squinted my eyes at him. "Yeah. So?" I asked. He shook his head. "A little mouse like you, well no wonder."

I was deeply offended. "Uhh, me, a mouse?" I said with my eyebrows furrowed.

Damian just smiled. "Get your ass in the car." He said before unlocking it.
I stepped in, irritated.

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