One year ago

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       Today exactly 1 years ago Everything went wrong.The accident me running away me leaving my family. I'm glad I left but not for the reason I left .It was the big game today the day before I joined the Seahawks
.Me and Colton were in the locker room the first quater was about to start we lines up to run out of the locker room I was first ."hey #2 kenna your up "said the coach

Go go go we ran out .There I saw my family standing there Ivan ,Emilio ,and my dad .My friends all standing there kaylee Kelsey Anthony Chance and Jake.I sighed realizing my step  mom couldn't be here they said she died in a car This was always my favortie part of the football games not when we score a touchdown not when we win a game at the very begin of the game is my favortie both teams are happy and energized .The tigers music playing Ever One running out then it was soon finally time to start the first quater.we were in the fourth quater down by 6 on the 40 yard line.We were on our last down we couldn't kick it it was to far so we planned a fake  kick with a hail Mary on it .Hut Hut Hike and off the ball went straight to me I looked for open recover there colten was wide open I threw the best god damn spiral i have ever thrown there the ball went straight into his stomach he caught it there he was practically flying down the field the 25 20 15 and then there comes Micheal Bitch(birch) that's not his real name but that's what I like to
Call him .Colton gets right passed him 10 5 touch down we won the tigers won the championship and then co item goes falling down .I see Michel next to him go away I shout at him the medics are on the way I hear someone say . Were losing him I here them say i run I don't knoe where or how I'm so tired but I do it I arrive at a tree  no it was the tree house I already knew I climbed up and sat at the branch and cried I couldn't do anything else I finally stopped and sat there looking at the sky .

Its beautful isn't it I hear someone say i jumped and went to the backpack and grabbed the gun hey its me put it down it was Anthony and behind him was chance .I started to cry he wrapped his arms around me and took the gun away he took off my football stuff and hugged me I felt weak and hated showing this side especially when chance here I stopped crying and stood up .Chance recived a phone call he answered and out it on speaker . Hello is this one of Colten Martinez friends umm yes it is chance says we hate to inform u but he was in. Critcial condishin earlier and was in a coma but he is dead .I stopped I couldn't move I felt arms wrap around me but I couldn't take it Anthony "yes babe"(they aren't dating )leave please. What why u need us right now he says no I don't leave okay bye .Bye love u they both say and they finally get up and leave I can't take it anymore I can't play football. I had to leave I packed up and took the next cab to anywhere but here.I ended up going to Canada it was really cold here I didn't want to get out of the car but we arrived at some motel all I had was my phone and its charger and the clothes on my body and my wallet .

#########Months Later############

Instead of football I have been training for boxing it helped me keep my mind off of colten and football .If I wasn't boxing I was singing or trying to....

As I walk in Toronto I got wierd looks and remembered I am half famous at least that's what my friends told me I walked into the salon and requested to change my whole look .and they got started gave me medium blond hair I have blue eyes and now I don't use any make up good for me .I went to my house and practiced boxing with my trainer billy it was 11 pm now and I hate the blond hair so once he left I took the wig off put and took out my blue contacts so my green eyes showed this was the only time I could me Kenna Martinez and it was my favortie part of the day I grabbed my spray paint and left as I walked around the block i shook the spray and the first house I saw with a garage I. Started work on it this one was of me but I didn't leave my name I needed the white paint for some finishing up but I count find it. Looking for this they grabbed my wrist but didn't pull off my mask wierd and  I feel like I've heard it before they shook the paint and looked at the masterpiece I have created by now it's like 2am so no one is awake so I wasn't worried about hurting him and running away I think it was a him it sounded like a him at least so right before I was going to grabs his wrist and run he spoke "hey isn't that the famous girl football player I grunt to let him knoe he is hurting my wrist oh sorry he says i start to run he says what just come in its cold out and my guess is u don't live around here .Ugh I say but nothing else

Wait ur a girl...........

Thanks for reading sorry slow updates

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