Chapter 31

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The Bet

Clarke took a long shower and didn't waste anytime getting right into bed. Brylee walked in, tapped on the door entering the room holding two coffee mugs. Clarke sat up against the headboard and took a sip.

"Damn you said this was tea and milk?"

"Mmhm, with a little bit of honey. Do you like it?"

"I like a little milk with my tea but this is amazing, thank you." Clarke said, taking another sip. "Who was that you were talking to earlier?"

Brylee looked away avoiding Clarke's sleepy gaze. "Just room service, I didn't have honey for the tea." She said and glanced back at Clarke. "You know-" She stopped.

Clarke had fallen asleep holding the coffee mug. Brylee smiled and took it from her hands. As she stood to leave the room, Clarke spoke.

"Bry," She said quietly.


"Will you stay with me? I'm feeling kind of down and I-"

"You don't have to explain. Ofcourse I'll stay." She said and sat the mugs down on the night stand. Crawling into the bed, Brylee snuggled up next to her, closing her eyes as Clarke embraced her. Brylee laid there in silence, listening to her breathe and memorizing the pattern of Clarke's heart beat. She was fascinated, and completely lost in her thoughts.

Janet was livid as she walked through the hotel lobby. Gil noticed her and walked her way. "Dunk?" He said, quickly walking behind her. She ignored him and headed for the elevators. "Dunk! Slow down."

She glared back at him, pressed the button multiple times and tried to make her escape. He finally caught up to her.

"That's how we're doing now, you're just gonna ignore me? What did I do?" The elevator doors opened and he followed her inside. Janet looked straight ahead. He could tell she was on the verge of tears. "Will you please juat talk to me." He said but she still didn't respond. Gil looked over at the elevator button and stopped it. They both braced as it came to a sudden stop. "We are talking about this right now JanEr."

"You practically put Clarke right in Brylee's fucking hands Gil." She said looking at him with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What are you talking about?"

"I went to see Clarke. Brylee answered the door. I asked was Clarke there, she told me no."

"What's wrong with that, maybe she went to get food or something."

"She was lying Gil. Clarke's watch was sitting on the table. I know for a fact she never goes anywhere without it."

"I did see them leave together and I'm almost sure they pulled up shortly after I did."

"See! Fuck this, I'm going back up there." She pressed the button for Clarke's floor and stumbled as Gil stopped the elevator again.

"No you're not! You're exhausted and you're taking your stubborn ass to bed Dunk."

As they entered her room, she threw her things on to the couch.

"Fucking Brylee! This is your fault Gil! It took everything in me not react. She wants her. I can't tell by the way she looks at her. "

"Okay I will take the blame for suggesting that they hang out but you won't do is blame me for Brylee's behavior. I'm not the one making that bitch act shady. And if you wouldn't have lied to Clarke in the first place," he raised his voice, " you would've have in anything to worry about!" She looked at him with hurt in her eyes.

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