Chapter 21

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The Bet

Janet glanced over at Gil on the floor playing with Eissa and smiled. Clarke came from the kitchen with an ice pack in her and carefully pressed it to Janet's cheek.

"Thank you baby but I'm fine. I promise. You need this more than I do. Let me see your hand." She said. Clarke put her hand in Janet's. It was starting to swell and badly bruised.

"Your face is starting to bruise a little too."

"It's nothing a little make up won't cover." She said. Clarke touched Janet's face gently. She could believe anyone would ever want to put their hands on her.

"Has he hit you before?" Clarke asked.

"No. Wissam knows how to hurt just fine with his words." She explained. "I pushed his buttons today, but it's still no excuse for what he did." She kissed Clarke's hand and rested the ice pack against it. "Thank you for defending me."

Clarke looked at her seriously. "I would never let anyone hurt you." She leaned in and kissed her.

Janet's phone began to buzz.

"Fuck." She said. "Randy already sold me out to mother. I'm gonna kill him when he gets here." She looked at Clarke. "I have to take this," She said and stood up. "Hi Mother." She answered walking into the bedroom, motioning for Clarke to follow. She didn't want Clarke to leave her side. Janet looked over at her and rolled her eyes. "Yes mother I saw TMZ." She said. "Yes, it's true. No I haven't I haven't talked to anyone, my divorce isn't even final yet. Mother, will you listen for just a moment please. It will be fine I promise." Janet said pacing back and forth.

Clarke took a seat on the bed. She hissed, trying to stretch out her hand and replaced the ice pack. Glancing over at Janet, Clarke laughed as Janet rolled her eyes again and blew her a sweet kiss as the questions from her mom continued.

"He slapped me but I'm okay. Clarke handled it. She fine but he probably has a pretty bad headache right about now." She said with a chuckle. "Okay I will, I promise. Love you more. Okay Bye." She fell back onto the bed and tossed her phone on her pillow. "She asked if you were okay." Janet said glancing over at Clarke as she laid back on the bed to meet her gaze. "So your mom is okay with this? With us?"

"I've never been shy about my sexuality. I don't know if she understands or agrees with it, but she has never once judged me for anything I've done. My father on the other hand, I'm sure I will get a call from him soon." Janet didn't even get the words out completely before her phone started to ring with Joseph's name on the screen. "Told you." She said sighing and resuming her pacing path. "Hi Joseph. Yes I saw TMZ. Yes I spoke with mother. Joseph please, I don't want to do this right now."

Clarke could hear him. She didn't know if he was yelling but he was definitely loud. She reached out for Janet's hand. Janet looked back at her tears in her eyes. "Yes Joseph. I would never not do anything to jeopardize my tour. What? No I'm not going to make up with Wissam. Apologize? Do you even care that he hit... never mind. I have to go, no, I need to go now. I'll have Randy call you when he gets here." She hung up and threw her phone back down on the bed.

"The infamous Joe Jackson huh?" Clarke joked, realizing quickly that it probably wasn't the best time. Janet's back was to her. Clarke stood up, she wrapped her arms around Janet from behind. "Are you okay?"

Janet laid her head back on Clarke's shoulder. "He's never going to change and I think I'll ever understand it."

Clarke kissed her neck. "Today has been a hard day, but I want to make it better for you. Tell me what you need and let me take care of you." She whispered. Janet turned around and wrapped her arms around Clarke's neck.

"Just promise me that you won't leave my side. I don't want to be without you." Janet traced Clarke's lips with her fingers.

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere." Clarke said against her finger tips.

Gil knocked at the open bedroom door and entered with Eissa in his arms. Janet smiled as she reached for him. He laughed as she made silly noises for him.

"Did you have fun with Uncle Gil?" She asked.

"Uh that's Auntie Gil to you ma'am." He joked. "I thought I'd let you know that Randy is on his way up." He said and looked over at Clarke. Janet glanced her way as well. "Clarke we should go pick up some food for us to eat. It'll give us a chance to spend some alone together." He winked and blew her a kiss.

"Okay sounds good. Do you mind baby?" She asked just as she got into an intense game of "hide and seek." with Eissa. She would hide behind Janet and jump out into sight. Eissa though it was hilarious making them all laugh with him. He reached for Clarke's finger and squeezed it tight. She kissed his little hand. Janet smiled.

"That would be great. I'm kind of hungry. It will give Randy and I time to talk alone. He's pretty of protective of me." Janet explained.

"I think we all are." Clarke said. "Okay, we shall return shortly. I'll text you once we get there."  Janet grabbed her hand and pulled her into a soft kiss.

"Hurry back to me." She said as Gil took Clarke by the arm.

"C'mon Daddy, lets go get some grub." He said as they headed for the door. Clarke opened it to find Randy standing right in front of her. She smiled nervously.

"Hi Sir. I'm Clar-"

"I know who you are." He interrupted. "My sister?"

"She's inside with Eissa, Randy." Gil responded. "We're going out for food. Want anything?"

"No but thank you. Now if you'll excuse me."  Randy said as he brushed past Clarke. He headed straight for Janet's room and closed the door behind him.

"I think he likes me!" Clarke said sarcastically. They laughed loudly as they headed down the hallway towards elevators.

"Don't take it personal. She's his baby sister. You know how that is right?" Gil said hooking his arm into hers.

"Not really. I mean it was always just me and my mom. Now that she's gone, I don't have any family."

"Well sugar plum, you do now." He said.

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