Dinner time

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I change Hannah talking to normal so it's easier for me just a head up

~ Hannah / Danny's  POV ~
After playing with Ben for about a hour Jeff wanted to join to. We played for about 3 more hours than dinner was ready. "So Hannah / Danny how was your day?" Slender man asked   "It was good. How was yours " We asked. "Quite fine frankly clam." Slendy answered. The rest of the group was off in their own little world so we started talking to each other. 'do you like it here? Yeah I do. Do you? Yeah. I'm glad we are with Y/N. It's nice to have a friend. Do you think zalgo misses us. No I don't he just used us. I know but he also saved us from death. He made us new wait doesn't that mean I'm his "Daughter "  I mean we could slender. That means we would be the next queen. That would  we cool won't it. yeah it would be cool. We should ask Slender  do you think the Pastas would still like us if we were? They should. I mean we wouldn't have to hide in the over realm and we would have Zalgos minons and his kingdom. I know I still hope they do. I don't want to leave Y/N or have her hate us. '
~~Y/N 's POV ~~
Hannah / Danny have been quite but I haven't been talk to them so that's understandable. "So Hannah do you like it here?" I asked it took her a minute to realize I was talking to her than she answered. "I do it nice having friends for once that don't pick on you. " She replied. She had a ruff past but I am a glad she's here to. Danny took over "I do to. It's nice when Hannah's not depressed and all sad. I was wondering also if we could go out killing later?" Danny asked. Maybe we all could go "Do you care if we all go? Is that okay with you guys?" I asked the group. I heard a few yes's and saw some nods "That's a great idea Y/N. We all will go at midnight be down stairs by 11:50 or 23:50 (Army time. That what I use) " Slender said. Guess we don't have a choice Hannah took over again and said "That sounds fun. I'm going to take a nap before I'm tired. Thank you very much for dinner slendy I was great" and they walked away. "So do you guys like them?" I asked the pastas. Ben and Jeff shot up, "we love them . She can game and they are funny I hope we become good friends " Ben said fastly Jeff nodded I smile. "I want her To come to my tea party tomorrow, and every one. They seem fun, they are also very pretty" Sally said happily. Good a tea party. "We should watch a movie like we did went Y/N got here before we go killing of course." EJ suggested. I remember that, we watch a scary movie. "That's a good idea Ej. We should" Masky agreed. We cleaned up the dining room and sat on the couch. "Is anyone going to get Hannah and Danny? " I asked. Jeff got up, maybe her likes her. I hope they seem like a good couple.
~~Hannah / Danny's POV ~~
I went to ask slender before my nap. "Hey slender I have a question." "Yes Danny go on." Since Zalgo raised me and took me in. Wouldn't that mean I am his daughter and the next Air to the throne? Is that bad I mean would the rest still like me?" I asked Slender just looked at me than started to say.......

_____________________________ Sorry guys cliff hanger I have been really busy with school I'll update soon. Thank you till next time my little fireflies 😁💕

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