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I bring Yuuri back to the water the next day after spending the whole night with him. Before I put him down his had touches my face and I look at Yuri and he smiles.

Yuuri: "Victor you look exhausted..." I sigh taking off the blanket that covered Yuuri's tail and putting him in the water. Yuuri rests his hands on the ice and I sit down. "Really Victor Merpeople we can last days with no sleep but I don't think you can." I probably had bags under my eyes and Yuuri could tell if I was weak or not from how I was carrying him. I am typically really organized when it comes to sleeping but I couldn't sleep last night I had to wait for a certain time to bring back Yuuuri so it would be safe.

"I had to make sure you were safe... People don't see Mermen often Yuuri so if someone were to see you... I don't know what would happen." Yuuri puts his hand on my knee

Yuuri: "I know and honestly I couldn't thank you enough. My whole life I was told that all humans are horrible but... You proved me wrong. I have never met someone as kind as you and so willing to make sacrifices." Yuuri then sighs "I just wish I could see you better"

"What do you mean?" Yuuri took his hand off of my knee and put it under his other hand.

Yuuri: "I don't have very good eyesight so to me you are a blur... I can't fix it though but why I fell in love with you is because you cared for me so much." Yuuri couldn't see what I looked like! I was just a blur!? that explains why he was more affected by the things I said then what I did. Yuuri laughed a bit "I can still see but all I can really make out is that you have platinum hair. nothing else really..."

"Wait so when you first saved me...!?" Yuuri nods

Yuuri: "I am an excellent swimmer but because of my sight I didn't see a rock and it caused me to hurt my tail... It's not the first time that has happened. I can't see Makkachin either but he just looks like a big brown blob of cute~! And yet I still watched you from afar... well it was more listening because I love your voice but you get the idea." I stand up and Yuuri looks at me "Where are you going"

"I'm getting you a gift."

Yuuri: "Victor your still tired!" I sigh he was right

"Alright how about I go home sleep and then come back tomorrow with your gift?" I look at Yuuri for confirmation.

Yuuri: "I can wait that long~" I kiss Yuuri and he hugs me "Whatever it is i'm sure its worth the wait." He lets me go.

"I will see you tomorrow alright?"

Yuuri: "Alright~"

---- TIME SKIP ----

I get back home and I flop on my couch Makkachin jumping on top of me and cuddling into my chest. I yawn and put my hand on Makkachins head.

"Guess i'm sleeping here" I close my eyes and pass out.

---- TIME SKIP ----

I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

"GAH!" I grab my phone and turn it off Makkachin looks at me and I look at the time 6:30 am "Did I really sleep for that long!?" I brush my hand through my hair "Wow..." I then look at Makkachin "This never happened" I laugh and then boop his nose "Boop~" Makkachin barked and I hug him "AHHHH!! Makkachin what would I do without you" he kisses my face and I get up and get changed I had to go to town because I wanted to get Yuuri a pair of glasses. I grab my phone jacket and I desided to bring Makkachin with me he was very good around people so I wasen't worried.

---- TIME SKIP ----

I was in the store and I grabbed a pair of glasses that where blue on the top. I turn around to Makkachin and put them on him.

"Yes?" He wagged his tail I have been looking for about two hours now and they let Makkachin in the store to help me. I take off the glasses and pay for them getting water proof extentions for the lenses so that he could swim with them on. I walk out of the store and Makkachin follows me "Lets get you home before I visit Yuuri." I kneel down and pet Makkachin and then I took him home feeding him and giving him water before saying goodbye one more time and then heading out again to visit Yuuri.

---- TIME SKIP ----

"Yuuri~!" I was walking on the ice with the glasses case in my hand. "Hmmm..." I then hear a sound of a splash and I turn around to see Yuuri waving at me.

Yuuri: "Your late~" I laugh and sit down in front of him

"Sorry." Yuuri laughs 

Yuuri: "I'm just joking Victor~!" I playfully roll my eyes and open the glasses case.

"Alright, so my gift it goes on your face so i'm going to place it on your nose so don't be scared okay?" Yuuri nods "Oh and close your eyes I want to see your reaction" Yuuri laughs and closes his eyes

Yuuri: "Alright." I place the glasses on his face and I feel my heart beating really fast "Whoa! What is this!?"

"Don't look yet~!" I take my hands away from his face "Alright you can open your eyes now" Yuuri opens his eyes and looks at me in disbelief. 

Yuuri: "V-Victor...?"

"Hello Yuuri~" I smile and Yuuri's face turns red "Y-Yuuri?" I see some tears rolling down his face and I panic "Oh god! Yuuri I didn't mean to-" He jumps and hugs me.

Yuuri: "Victor thank you! Thank you so much!" I hug Yuuri back 

"I knew you would like them~" Yuuri was now on my lap his tail resting on my leg. Yuuri touched my face still in disbelief and I wipe away his tears.

Yuuri: "Blue eyes huh?" I smile "I love it~"

"And I love you~"

Lovers of Land And Sea (Victor x Yuuri)Where stories live. Discover now