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Houston, Texas
February 20, 2014
Windell High School
Rihanna Pov

Getting in line for lunch since I didn't want to spend money by going out, I just thought it would be a better way for saving.

The line moved up shortly, and I felt a figure bumped into me. I stood there waiting for them to apologize but their rude ass didn't, they continue to walk away.

"Watch where you going." The tall figure pause, taking their time turning around, meeting eyes with me. My eyes squint just a little...Julius.

"Or you could watch where you going." My tilted head at his impolite tone.

" bumped into me first. If anything you should apologize."

"I'm sorry...I don't apologize to people like you." His words took me back. People like me? The only people who know is Nicki and Bey, of course.

Who els...Shawn.

"Now like I said. Watch where you going." His tall frame figure disappeared into the crowd. He didn't even get lunch he just came to start some stupid shit.

"Uhh...are you getting lunch or not?" The person behind voice came in view.

"Uh–no." I took my tray, backing away. "I'm not really hungry." I place the tray down where they rest of them were and before I knew it, it had fell down.

"Don't put it back. We might catch whatever you have." Some guy snickered, walking away with his lunch as I stood there clenching my jaw, counting to ten.

I would've pop his tray of food all over him but I was afraid that if I do that then the whole damn cafeteria will turn on me and try to beat my ass.

Julius and I wasn't friends but it was fun kicking it with him while I we was in Geometry class just laughing and goofing around. Now he's gone. Like a switch went off or something.

"Baby?" I heard her voice whisper to me. "Come on...lets go somewhere else." I look back as her face fell into sympathy. I'm sure she wanted to take her hand into my mines but she was probably afraid.


Houston, Texas
February 20, 2014
Windell High School
Beyonce Pov

Walking down the hall trying to get to my Geometry class, most eyes were on me. Not that I'm not use to it but it was something...different. The atmosphere wasn't right.

I before I could step foot around the corner, I was being pulled back by my book bag, and pushed against the wall.

" cute." One of the girls coo'd. One of the other ones had their hand on the wall making sure I don't move. "Hmm...Queen Bey have fallen for another taste. Who would've thought one of the most popular girl in this school would be a fucking dyke?!" The last one got in my face angrily. The others laugh bitterly.

"My dumb ass was actually looking up to her." The one in the back said, shaking their head.

"For real." She agreed. "Captain of the track team, get good grades, the best looks, people drooling over you–now look at you. In love with a queer."

"Don't call her that." I growl back as the warning bell rung.

"Mane, fuck you and her. And ya' little friend too." The girl who hand was by the wall gripped my neck, yanking me forward then pushing me out into the less crowded hallway.

"It's funny how you guys don't even know me, hating on me for no reason. Because of how I feel for another human being." I shook my head in disgust as they just stared me down.

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