Chapter 19 (Updated)

Start from the beginning

Hermione arrived at the law firm and there was no doubt that she had received a few looks from the lobby. The mysterious Jean McLaggen was arriving in their firm. She was notorious in the business world and only a few had seen her face. When the lawyers in the firm caught wind about the Will reading they couldn't miss the opportunity to see her face and report to their clients about what she looked like but they were once again disappointed when she entered the building with sunglasses covering her swollen bloodshot eyes.

"Mrs. McLaggen, I am so glad you can make it. My condolences." The assistant spoke.

"Thank you." Hermione simply answered.

"After me please, your mother-in-law arrived a few moments ago." The assistant led Hermione to Franklin's office.

Once they reached the office Hermione embraced her grieving mother-in-law. "The mansion feels empty without him," Hermione admitted. "You can return to the mansion. Cormac wanted you to stay there."

"My dear, my heart aches when I see the halls of that home. I see him running and bumping into things. I hear his laughter and his cries as a little boy. I felt something wrong on the day you left for Cairo. I should have listened to my instincts. A mother's instinct is never wrong." Cormac's mother said in pure guilt.

Hermione comforted her, still lost for words. She had been less chatty since he died.

"I loved him with all my heart," Hermione said softly. It was the only words she could say out loud.

"I know. You gave him everything he wanted. You made him so happy. I thank you for that." Her mother-in-law pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry for the delay." Mr. Franklin came in holding an envelope that contained Cormac's Will. Bennett Franklin was not only their family lawyer but he was a trusted family friend and the late Mr. McLaggen Sr.'s best friend.

He gave Cormac's mother and Hermione a hug before sitting down on the couch across where the two ladies were sitting.

"I have in my hand Cormac McLaggen's Last Will and Testament. Before his death, he had made changes in his will." Bennett waved his wand and the papers floated in the air and positioned his glasses on his crooked nose. He cleared his throat before he started to read the contents of the Will.

The Last Will and Testament


Cormac McLaggen

I, Cormac McLaggen, hereby revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions of every nature and kind whatsoever by me hereinbefore made.

Section 1.a

I, Cormac McLaggen, in the event of my demise, leave all titles, properties, and lands in my possession to my wife, Hermione Jean Granger McLaggen.

In the conclusion of the Will, all properties under Cormac's name were given to Hermione. The properties that his mother already had under the Will of his father remained under his mother's name. Hermione was given the family business, The McLaggen Group to fully control but she asked Bennett to give 25% to Cormac's mother. She was thankful for Cormac's generosity. She would be able to rise up and take back what she had.

"Hermione, I would like to help you." Her mother-in-law said as they were having afternoon tea.

"I appreciate the offer but I would like to do this alone. This is my fight and I promised Cormac." She assured the worrying woman.

"I understand. If you do need anything please write to me or floo."

"I will. Thank you for everything."


Cormac gave her weapons. She could fight. She could win. She is ready to fight. Her plans were slowly moving forward. Cormac was right. This was her fight and no one else's. The new year will mark the beginning of an ending. Everything was set. It was time for her to make a move. A small smirk formed on her ruby lips and began the game. She lost far enough to lose again.

I'll do my best, Cormac.

Narcissa Malfoy. You're the reason why this happened. When she apparated from the law firm she ended up a few meters from the Malfoy Manor gates. She felt the scar on her arm tingle as the memories of her torture came flowing back.

No more.

The fire in her study reflected on her eyes. Everything she sacrificed was for the moment to come. The warmth of the fire could no longer melt what was left of her frozen heart.

You made me like this, Draco. You made me cold. All your lies destroyed me.

"I will get her back." She picked up Alicia's photo from her desk and ran her fingertips on the photo.

"Let us see how it feels like to have something you love ripped right in front of you. I'll get her back and you'll finally feel what I felt." It was like the venom in her voice could kill anyone she spoke to.

There was no backing out.

Like a chess game with only a few moves before she could call checkmate. This was war.

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