Chapter 8: Replaced?

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Every day I grow a little bigger, finally, when I get five months in, we get to announce it to the kingdom and have a small celebration. An announcement, praise, and refreshments. But fun. I want to ask for a blessing but I can't, and won't. I want a normal baby. No offense to Elsa. She is refusing to bless anybody at the moment. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. She's changed even more since Ella's hair changed and we discovered her powers. She's more... careful. But I still love her. She'll freeze something every once in a while. But we have all had a big change since Ella went missing.

It's been exactly five months since she's been gone and we've searched everywhere. Something tells me I should just start over with our new baby, but that'll never be the same. I'd just feel guilty the whole rest of my life. I quickly eliminate that option from my head. But, why won't she just come back? I'm her mother. Did she replace me? Am I going to replace her? Are we replacing each other? No. Elsa is sprinting down the hall towards me. Crying. "I just realized that I haven't seen Olaf either.," she cries. That brings a thought to my head. Are they with each other, helping each other? I just run into my room and lock the door. I lean up against it and sob. Harder than ever.

Kristoff knocks on the door, but I won't let him in. I won't let anybody in except for my Ella. I let the tears stream down my face. Not caring where they get. Kristoff eventually leaves. I cry my eyes dry. I just sit and stare into space after that. Kristoff comes back and knocks again and I realize that I have to let him in. He's my only hope now. He walks in and I jump into his arms. I do need him. To help me. To love me. I just stay in his arms and we hug for a while. We finally break apart when Elsa walks in. She gives a sad smile and sits on the velvet couch in the corner of the room. "It's okay," she reassures us,"we'll find her." I go and sit next to her. "Promise?" I ask like a little kid. She nods and we hug. I feel a little kick in my stomach. I tell them what happened and they both put their hands on my stomach to try and see if the baby kicks again. Well, it does. I get up and go lay in the bed. They tell me to get some rest, but how exactly is that possible? With the baby kicking, I guess I'll just have to find a way. When I finally get to sleep, I have a dream. I am running in the meadow with Ella. We are having fun. Kristoff is there too, and Elsa. It was peaceful, until people started coming. They were led by Hans. They thought Ella was a monster. Ella tried to run, but it was too late, Hans caught and killed her. I woke up immediately.

I start to cry. Ella, has been gone for a little over five months. Guards are constantly searching. Villagers are searching too. Volunteers for me. I can't, I'm pregnant. How I long to search. I cry everyday because I can't. Kristoff searches when he's not staying and helping me. One day, I finally just have to go out or else I'll just be broken. "Kristoff please, I can't live like this anymore, I have to find her," I beg. He tells me I have to save. "PLEASE, I HAVE TO GO, I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ELLA," I scream at him. I cry my head off. This is killing me. It's like having having $1,000,000 at your fingertips, but they won't let you have it. That's how I feel but worse, because it's my daughter.


Hey, sorry, that was pretty short, it will get more exciting after this. Will they find her? That's is for you guys to find out. Keep reading. Vote, follow, comment.
<3 magal

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