Chapter 19

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      King Alden's blood ran cold as the servant burst into his office without a knock or a call. He was on his feet instantly as he followed the servant out again. Kaizen, Aliyah, and Kaden were already in the hallway, having heard Rowan's anguished scream. Quinn rushed to join them, followed by Adeline.

       "There was a scream, and your daughter," the servant panted, seeming unable to complete the sentence. He halted in front of Rowan's room, and took a deep breath, thrusting it open with both hands.

       "No," Quinn choked, seeing her sister's body splayed across the bed, "No, this can't be happening!"

       King Alden fell onto his knees beside her bed, his hands shaking. His eyes closed tightly as he grated his head from side to side. He seemed to be in denial like Quinn, who had closed her eyes, falling against the wall.

       Kaden took Rowan's hand, checking her wrist for a pulse, "There's a pulse," he said, giving Rowan a small shake. She didn't stir.

         Aliyah shrank away, her eyes widening with fear, "I didn't really think... I mean I knew, but it..."

       "... it didn't seem real," Kaizen finished for her, his eyes on the ground as he stood stiffly. His shoulders were locked into place, and his hands were clenched tightly together into fists so that his nails cut into his palms. "I know."

       "This can't be it," Kaden said through gritted teeth, "There has to be a cure, an exception, a spell breaker-"

        "There was one thing," Alden's voice cracked as he spoke, "But it was a joke... M-Maleficent said only true love's kiss would wake the spell. But Adeline recommended keeping her in, away from all sources of dark magic out there. She didn't know anyone."

       "Where did she get the dark magic, then?" Adeline humphed, looking with disapproval at Rowan's body.

       "The book," Kaden cautiously picked up the little black book, "She had it on her on our trip. I caught her reading it when she thought everyone was asleep. Maybe she knew there was something odd about it."

        "If it is, then we need to be rid of it," Adeline snatched it from his grasp, tucking it into her pouch on her waist, "I'll burn it immediately."

        "True love's kiss," Kaizen said quietly, still staring at Rowan, "You said she never knew any men?"

        "No, we kept her away from everyone," Alden was shaking hard now, trying to blink tears from his clouding vision, "There was no one."

        "Kaizen," Aliyah said suddenly, "You love her right? Maybe she loves you too!"

        "We were friends, Aliyah," he replied softly, "I know she didn't feel for me the way I feel for her."

       "You should try," Quinn begged.

        "No," Adeline said stiffly, "She doesn't need people swarming her while she's asleep!! Just give it awhile, and-"

       "With all due respect," Kaizen said, and Aliyah noticed his fingers drumming in patterns on his thigh as he spoke, "Your Majesty, if you truly wish to hold off anyone from touching her, then how is she supposed to come back?"

       "Easy," Alden rested a hand on his shoulder. His hands were still shaking, and he licked his lips before speaking, "It's her way of mourning. There will be chance for that in a moment."

      Kaizen gave a stiff nod, "Yes." He turned for the door, and Kaden chased after him. He reached his brother in the hallway, "Hey! Kai!"

        Kaizen turned around, "What?"

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