The king shrugged, "I don't know." He said, "She was looking for you." Merlin sighed and got up, "Better see what she needs."

Arthur frowned, "Are you sure you're okay Merlin?" The warlock shifted as Arthur put a hand on his shoulder. He looked conflicted for a moment before answering, "I don't know. There is something odd magic wise in Camelot. I noticed it this morning but it's only gotten stronger."

Arthur thought about this, "Maybe this is why Morgana wants to speak with you."

Merlin nodded, "Possibly." He smiled, "I'll go see. You need anything?"

Arthur shook his head, "I'm fine for now Merlin. Just doing paperwork."


Merlin found Morgana in her rooms, "Arthur said you wanted to talk to me?"

Morgana whirled around to find Merlin in her doorway. "Merlin! You scared me!"

"Sorry." Merlin said smiling weakly.

"I was wondering if you felt that same strange presence in Camelot that I've been feeling?" Morgana said cautiously.

"I have." Merlin agreed. "It is beginning to worry me but hasn't seem to approach the castle or act out violently so I am only watching it for now."

Morgana sighed, "That's good. Mordred had noticed it as well though I don't believe Quell and Senor have. Then again, Mordred is stronger than both of them combined."

Merlin smiled, "He'd be a very talented sorcerer with some practice. Though it looks like he's going to keep with the knight training."

Morgana shrugged, "There's no reason he can't do both. And I'm sure you could teach him quiet a bit."

Merlin frowned, "I'm not sure. Magic seems different for me than it is for others. It comes naturally to me."

Morgana smiled, "Even if that is the case, you could still point him in the right direction." Merlin thought about this, "Perhaps. If he asks I'll do what I can."

She looked pleased, "Thank you Merlin. For everything."

He looked confused, "Of course, My Lady."

"Goodness Merlin, Morgana's fine. I thought you'd know that by now." He shrugged, "Goodnight Morgana."

"Goodnight Merlin. See you tomorrow."

With that Merlin exited the room and made his way back to Arthur's. When he entered the king looked up from his table where he had a quill in one hand and a peice of bread in the other. "everything okay?"

Merlin nodded and sat down with the King, "She has felt the strange presence as well. She told me that Mordred did too but didn't know what to make of it."

Arthur thought about this, "I take it you're trying to figure out the source."

Merlin nodded, "It hasn't approached the citadel and hasn't gotten stronger or done anything of concern. So for now I'm keeping track of where it is going."

Arthur nodded, "Tomorrow you should take Mordred and Lancelot and go see if you can find it. I doubt you would be this preoccupied about it if you weren't concerned."

Merlin nodded, "It's not like anything I've felt before. Which is strange. I'm pretty well versed in many different types of magic."

Arthur looked down at his papers. "Well I doubt you've seen it all."

Merlin nodded, "That's true. What are you working on?" The king groaned, "Trade arrangements with the new King of Zalor to the South. He's not happy with how we tax apparently."

Merlin thought about this, "Well, the taxing system is actually pretty efficient while still being fair."

"Precisely!" Arthur complained, "Which I'm trying to explain."

Merlin read the letter upside-down. "It's fine so far. Just make it clear that you won't change it just to fit his needs. It's the people who come first."

Arthur nodded slowly and then he wrote something else. Merlin smiled as he read it and nodded, "That's good." He approved.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "I'm the king Merlin, I think I know what I'm doing."

"Thinking you know and actually knowing are two different things." Merlin shot back. Arthur scowled and threw a piece of bread at Merlin. "Shut up, Merlin.

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