Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- four years later

 Four years later I graduated from university along with Nicole; I had not spoken to the rest of my band members or father, nor had an urgent call, which was based on Rose, and my health remained constant; not getting worse but as bad as last time. I was twenty-four years old, and worked on stage solo; as a solo singer, with Nicole, and we gradually grew stronger in prowess. Nicole was another protégée of master, and she savored the time with her dad much; though it reminded too much of my own father, who neglected me after earning much money.

  University was fun- much more than getting chased by tight singing schedule. Fans were still on my side, and they were eager to rush to come to see my concerts. My graduation was a wild one: though without anyone to kiss and hug me except master and Nicole. We had given an excuse that I was working separately as a solo singer. On TV, on entertainment shows, I saw Clare leading, exposing the fact that she was the new leader, and the rest of my friends acting natural- but to me, I could see the slight awkwardness.

  Father now rarely appeared on TV, his company growing bigger and bigger, with bands expanding and earning more money than before. He looked as cheerful and stern as last time, to my elation.

 “Master?” I asked master Jonathan during a dinner. “I thought…”

 “Yes, ma protégé?”

 “Rose is coming around next year?” I asked.

 “That is just my prediction,” he said grimly. “Perhaps slower, or faster…”

 “It’s just…I have a weird feeling.”

 “And…how about you have a wedding?”

 I spewed out the water that I was drinking. Nicole smiled.

“An early wedding. Perhaps tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow, master?” I cried.

“Indeed,” said he, smiling. “Really.”

“Thank you!”

“Ho, I thought you would say no!”

“No?” I cried out. “No, master! Nicole, what about you?”

 “I’m fine,” she said. “More than fine. Happy.”

 She was prettier than four years ago, her red hair now a darker auburn red, her freckles gone, taller and her countenance smoother and beautiful.

 “Phew, I’m relieved, for I already booked the wedding-“

 “Master!” “Dad!” We exclaimed.

 Later we drove to a wedding dress shop, and Nicole was enchanted and mesmerized by the row of gleaming wedding dresses.

 “I shall choose…this!” she cried.

 The dress she chose was…simply awesome. The shoulder and arms’ parts were made out of laces, of flowers, and from the chest to the waist made out of fine silk mixed with a little bit of tiffany, and from the waist, made out of taffeta. We waited in front of the changing room, as she changed.

 “We had our engagement already last year,” I said. “Lucky we-“

 The curtains were threw open by two of the wedding dress shop’s attendances, and I froze on the spot, as if time had frozen, my mouth slightly agape stupidly. I stared at Nicole, who had gently slipped into her marvelous dress. She was stunning, dazzling, splendid… Her red hair was done in intricate braids, and then twisted up her head together by a sparkling pin. She had hidden her bare hands in a pair of taffeta gloves.

“Charles? Am I all right?”

“All right!” I stuttered. “You are…breathtakingly beautiful.”

 Master pulled up his thumbs, nodding in approval. “My daughter. Just like Alice.”

  Nicole’s face twisted up in pain, but she soon recovered. “Shall we lend this for a day?”

“No, dearie,” I said pleasantly. “I shall buy you this.”

“So extravagant!” ejaculated Nicole.

“Nah,” I said, passing the attendant a bunch of cash. “Here- no change, please.”

  Nicole changed into her own clothes, and we went back home, excitement stirring in our hearts.

I couldn’t sleep. The next day my love, Nicole was going to be my wife! I couldn’t believe myself that I pinched my arm and yowled in pain many times, before I comforted myself to deep slumber.

   I woke in enraptures, remembering what a day today was. I washed, and when I came out, Nicole and master were ready.

“I’ll get her ready,” said a bridesmaid.

“And you have to come with me.”

 I got into suits, and spread jells on my hair, and readied, sitting on the chair with butterflies flying wildly in my gut. I was getting married! Married!

  “The bride’s man!” cried the man with the mike.

  I sat upright and walked confidently out of the waiting room, and felt sick. All the fans were swarming around. I waved casually, and stopped at the end of the stretched out ‘aisle’ carpet, and soon the music of the wedding flowed out of the speakers. Fans cheered, as Nicole, her arms locked with master, sauntered slowly towards me, the veil half covering her face, the bridesmaid carrying her long dragging skirt, and beautiful flowers clutched to her gloves.

   The man stood at the stand, and spoke to us.

 “Will you, Charles Eddie Brown, have Nicole Jonathan Russell as your bride?” asked the man loudly.

 “Yes!” I yelled out.

 “Will you, Nicole Jonathan Russell, have Charles Eddie Brown as your man?” asked the man loudly.

 “Yes,” said Nicole timidly.

 “Will you two, love each other forever?” asked the man.

 “Yes!” we cried out in unison.

 Then I took out the wedding ring from my pocket, and slipped it into her gloved finger. We then lightly kissed on foreheads, and parted.

Afterwards the police came and dispersed the crowd, and we had a wedding banquet- alone, with three of us only, in our own clothes again.

 “Do you intend on honeymoon?” asked master, as he chewed his vegetarian food slowly.

 “Yes,” we chirped.

 “To where?”

 Nicole was stumped. “Uh-“

“To Hawaii,” I said promptly, and Nicole stared. “Hawaii?”

 “I thought,” I said.

 “Agree, honey!” she said cheerfully, and I flushed.

After the banquet as we went out, the fans still cheered. Nicole smiled, and hurled the wedding flower into the air, a wild fan trying to catch it. But another pair of a man’s hands caught it, and I froze. Jake stood there, clutching the wedding flower bunch, smirking in confidence.

  But I merely smiled.

-The End of Book One of Blue Band-

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