Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Pieces of puzzle

The wind pierced across the air. It was already summer, but still chilly in the evening. Nicole stumbled out of the mansion, struggling to get into her high heels. She had her hair spilling down her shoulders, in a white-collar shirt and short black skirt tightly strapped to her narrow waist by an intricately made leather belt.

  I felt small in front of her, in a coarse hood shirt and jeans, old fashioned, way back behind fashion because of my years in master’s house.

 “Hi, Charles,” she said brightly. “Did you call me?”

 Dazzled by her flash of grin, I almost stumbled. “Uh, hi.”

    I then grabbed her to sit on the playground swing, and I knelt on one knee, solemn and hard.

 “C-Charles?” she stammered.

 I pulled out a black box out of my pocket, and revealed a ring, silver and carved of laces and delicate morning glory.

 “Will you…since we are not yet old enough to marry- will you accept my love? Will you allow our engagement? After we graduate from university, then you can consider again,” I said, swallowing. “Nicole…I won’t force you. If you already have someone in mind, it’s okay. If you think I can’t make you happy, it’s okay, just reject me.”

  Nicole swung down, making me tumble to the ground, embracing me tightly, her arms squeezed around my neck. I couldn’t breathe!

 “Gag…cough…Is this…cough! Is this acceptance or…cough…rejection of anger?”

 “Rejection! Anger!” she thundered.

 Her face of was of rage. “How dare you mention those disgusting words?”


 She planted a short kiss on my forehead, and I gasped, jumping.

“I love you! Acceptance! Ha! I have done so, more than a decade ago!”

Her face was flushed scarlet, and blood had mounted to her cheeks, as she screamed, I, dizzy with happiness, above the clouds, slipped the ring through into her slender, pianist, pale finger. She calmed, as I whispered the plea of her placidness, and sat on the swing again.

   I took her hand and brushed my lips against it, my throat burning, and my stomach on wild fire. “Thank you so much. I…don’t know what do say.”

   Excitement won me over. I took her up and swirled her around, gripping her waist, laughing. Nicole bit her lip, and erupted into screams, until I dropped her down on the swing and covered my ear, grimacing.

 “Today is a happy day!” she laughed- sounding hallucinated. “Oh, gosh! You are alive, and we are…what, future wife and husband?”

  Hot blood trickled up my neck at the last phrase. I cleared my throat, embarrassed. “Um, sort…of.”

  “Can we do the engagement officially as soon as we graduate, and then an hour later marry?” she squealed.

 “As you wish, madam,” I said with mock polite, bowing, taking off my pretend hat.

 “I love you!”

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