Letter One: We were just stars...

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We were just stars,

at the edges of neighbouring galaxies,

just about to collide,

but passed by each other

never touching,

yet feeling the stardust,

in each others' wake.

-Nikita Gill

Dear Veronica,

I know where our story began. It definitely wasn't when I first met you, nor was it the first time we spoke. It was sort of in the middle. People would expect it would be the first time we met, but if I said that it would be a lie. When I first met you, you were only thirteen and I at the time was eighteen; you were a child that I quickly dismissed.

Throughout the years I never became acquainted with you, but then again you were never around. You were always so busy doing one thing or another, and even when I did see you, our worlds never collided. Our friends were different and I know its unusual considering our families are all so close, but even during the big family get together, with so many children, there were so many different groups. Even when I did see you, it always seemed like you were in your own world-it just felt wrong to intrude.

As I said, our story started in the middle, without us realising it ourselves. It was some time during midsummer, when everything was at peace once again and silence surrounded us. We were staying over at your house that night, for the annual barbecue party your family threw. This time your presence was missing, but honestly speaking none of us noticed.

It was a long time after the party was over and mostly everyone had gone to sleep. I was the only one awake trying to fall asleep, but it seemed impossible in the heat that was blessed upon us that night. It was surprising, because we lived in England for goodness sake and having that kind of heat just seemed odd, but pleasant.

That's when I heard the front door open, ever so quietly. I could see from the living room door a figure but I couldn't tell if it was you. The figure eventually went inside the kitchen, and honestly I don't know what made me get up follow the figure into the kitchen. Maybe it was pure boredom, or maybe it was the curiosity I felt at wondering who was walking around at 2am when the 90% of the country was probably asleep.

When I entered the kitchen I realized it was you and thought, what a sight. Eyes wide open, your curly mane of a hair let loose and a slice of pizza hanging outside of your mouth. I smiled at you, because while you didn't look your best, you looked really adorable and cute. It was while staring that I realised I have never really payed attention to you. You had grown up to be quite a beauty. You had lost all the baby fat, but retained those womanly curves. Your eyes had a tinkle in them and were filled with such happiness that to this day I never understood how a person could be so happy (especially so early in the morning).

''I didn't think anyone was awake. I swear I thought I was super quiet trying to sneak in,'' you explained to me.

''I couldn't sleep,'' I simply answered.

''How was the barbecue party? '' you asked.

''It was good. To see everyone gathered up again. It's difficult to when we all live in different cities or countries. You missed out on everyone. Where were you?'' I questioned.

For a split second, something flashed across your eyes, before that mask flew into and you threw me a smile and answered, ''I had some matters to attend to. Plus I'll see them all tomorrow morning.''

''You got a nose piercing?'' I asked changing the topics.

''Oh yeah this. I've had it for a couple of months now,'' you said.

''It suits you,''

''Thank you, I think it suits me too,'' you said smiling once again.

Honestly I just wanted you to continue smiling like that. I never had a proper conversation with you before, but just this. This simple conversation at 2am made me want to speak to you more and more.

''You want some?'' you asked offering me the pizza box.

I wasn't hungry, but I took it, just so I could spend a couple more minutes with you. It wasn't magical, and it wasn't a sudden realisation that I liked you. It was none of those cheesy romantic stories people tell. It was just a simple moment that I wanted to stretch for bit more longer, before we once again returned to being strangers.

''Your're really shy you know that,'' you said to me.

''Why would you say that?'' I asked surprisingly.

''All of those boys sleeping in the living room talk to me, but you never do. At first I thought you hated me, because whenever I said hey to you, you would sort of... blank me. And now here I sit having pizza and talking like we're friends,'' you replied.

''I never knew what to say,''

''It's okay. I mean after all you are my brother's friend. I'm a baby compared to you guys.''

''Your're making me feel old now. Your only 5 years younger. Your're not a baby,'' I laughed.

''But I can see white hair growing on your head,'' you joked.

''Take that back,'' I ordered smiling to show you I wasn't serious. I won't lie though, that night after you had gone to sleep I did check for any white strands on my head.

''Never,'' you cheekily smirked.

That summer's day when you tread in at 2am, you and I had our first real conversation over pizza and I knew I had to know you more. At that moment you weren't just my parent's friend's daughter, because at that moment I hoped you and I could be friends.

So there we sat, when most of the country was sleeping and we were just stars, at the edges of neighbouring galaxies, just about to collide,but passed by each other, never touching, yet feeling the stardust, in each others' wake.

Love Adrian


Here is letter one. 

It took a lot of time and effort to conjure up with this chapter, because I wanted to show the rawness of this relationship. I am hoping as I carry on, people can relate to the story/letters.

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