To Izaya ' s Apartment

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Vicki's POV

        I couldn't believe I had just met Shizuo.  I made him blush. ( ^.^ ) Jordyn was still looking at me like I was crazy. Which I am. Izaya was skipping now, saying something about how everything was falling into place. I just shook my head and tried to keep up. Jordyn was speed - walking to keep us with us.

          When we arrived, Izaya told us where our rooms were. I raced Jordyn up the stairs and heard Izaya chuckle. He smirked and said, "How childish you two are. You are both very interesting humans." He was now spinning in his spinny chair. Me and Jordyn both stopped at the top of the stairs and turned around. Giving him our signature smiles.

"Hell yea we are," I said, smile growing.

"HELL YEA," Jordyn yelled after me.

He chuckled again and rolled his chair towards his computer.  I raced Jordyn towards out rooms. I entered mine and heard Jordyn scream with excitement.  I smirked. I guess she loved her room. My room had black walls and black hardwood floors. There was a huge ass bed, tv, desk, and shelf. It was epic. I met up with Jordyn in the hallway and we raced down to Izaya.

I jumped hugged him. He fell out of his chair with an umpft. 

"I guess you like your room," he said out of breath.

Jordyn jumped him too.

"HELL YEA WE DO," she said with glee.

He smiled.

"I have a job for you two. Can you go to this place and ask for the leader of the Black Hoodies?" He handed me a paper.

"Sure," I said. Jordyn nodded. He grinned and sent us on our way. "Oh and be careful. Shizuo might harm you to get to me. Though I only need you for errands and could care less about your wellbeing, I don't want to find new errands."

Me and Jordyn just looked at him and rolled our eyes. That's Izaya for you. We strolled out of the apartment.

We were still in awe of how awesome Ikebukaruo looked. We  walked around a while before we finally went towards this place Izaya wanted us to go to.

Us in Durararaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن