Enter: Shizuo

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Jordyn's POV


"Damn. Hold on for a sec," Izaya says while walking calmly towards Shizuo. The ex-bartender was now holding a vending machine.

" FLEA!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN IKEBUKARUO?!?!!!, yells (obviously -_- ) Shizuo.

" I would say to annoy you, but I'm busy right now."

"I -is that a-actually," I stammered, "Shizuo?!"

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT? !!!!!" That was Vicki whisper-yelling. Which brought Shizuo ' s attention to us.

"And who the hell are they,"he said walking closer. "More people you fucked over?"

" Noooooooo. They are my new helpers. Please don't harm them, you monster," replied Izaya.

"WHAT?!?!?!", Shizuo yelled. He walked closer. He smelled like cigarettes.  Which isn't surprising seeing as he's a smoker.

'Um. Uh. Well.....," I stammered. I looked at Vicki for help.

Vicki was currently.......well she was circling Shizuo. He stared at her and then blushed at her closeness of her face to his.

" YOU ARE SO COOL!!!!!," Vicki exclaimed.  "OMFG CAN YOU LIKE LIFT UP THAT TRUCK?!?!?!?!"

He stammered. " Uh. No."

"Awwww. Ok,"she said with a pout.

I laughed. Only Vicki could make the great Shizuo stammer and blush. Izaya smirked.

"Anyway Shizuo-chan we will be on our way. Say bye Jordyn and Vicki," he said.

"BYE SHIZUO!!!!,"  Vicki said hugging Shizuo. She skipped off after Izaya. I laughed again. This is why she's my best friend.

"WHAT THE FUCK," i said, still shocked.

" COME ON, JOJO," Vicki yelled.

"Ok," i said walking slowly over to them. I turned back and saw Shizuo shaking his head. He puts on his blue shades and walked away, still shaking his head.

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