We are in Japan!!!

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Vicki's POV

I woke up and looked over at Jordyn. She was sound asleep. Izaya was no where to be found. The plane was over Tokyo. I yawned and stretched. The sight was beautiful. Jordyn woke up about 15 min. after and said,"Are we there yet?"

"Nearly, " I replied. She stretches too and looks at her phone.

We finally touchdown at the airport. We both get off the plane a bit sleepy and and excitedly. She wipes the remaining drool off her face. I looked at her in disgust. She saw me and gave me as confused look.

"What," she furrowed her eyebrows.  I just shake my head at her.

As we head towards the exit, I see Izaya leaning  against the exit door.

"Finally. I thought you would never reach," he greets us with a smirk.

"Wait, how the hell did you get here before us," she asked. "We got on the same plane if I'm not mistaken."

"Yea, how did you get here before us," i cocked my head to the side.

He laughed and waved his finger at us.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he said while walking away. "Now come on. I would expect you would love to see Ikebukaruo."

Both of our faces lit up.

"Are you serious," Jordyn asked while trying to keep up with his fast pace.

I could see whee she's coming from. Even thought in the anime Ikebukaruo was a big city, we both never expected it to be real! We thought it was just fiction or something. A place that the creators of Durarara made up. But I guess it is real.

"What do you mean 'are you serious'," he stopped and turned around to look at us. We almost bumped into him. "Now why would I have any reason to lie to you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, maybe because in the show you were..." I trailed off.

"I was what," he asked. A smug grin on his face.

"Well you were basically a dick in the show," I said plainly.

"Oh really," he smiled at me. "Well guess you will have to stick along for the ride to see how much of a dick I can be," and then he started walking again.

Jordyn pulled me close and as we were walking behind him.

"I can't help but love him so much, even if he can be a dick," she whispered.

"Me too," i whispered back.

We left the airport and got in a car drove for awhile. As we passed by some buildings, me and Jordyn ooohed and ahhhed at some of the amazing architecture. Japan was really a beauty.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are we going to stay exactly," she asked Izaya.

"Well of course my place," he responded.

My mouth suddenly dropped open. We are living with him too?! This couldn't get any better! She saw my with my mouth agar and I immediately knew what she was thinking. I closed my mouth. He laughed at the both of us and muttered something we couldn't here.

After about 30 minutes, the car stopped in front of a large apartment building. I was in total awestruck and so was Jordyn.  It was so big! I wonder what it would look like inside, I thought.

"Well guys, welcome to my humble abode," he said while getting out the car and stretching. "Don't worry about your bags they are already inside." He looked at us amused. "You aren't gonna stay and sleep in a car for your trip to Japan, are you?"

"Uh...no," i immediately got out of the car and Jordyn followed after.

"Good now let's-" before he could finish, he was cut off by someone that was roaring his name.


HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL BITCHEZ!! :3 It's Animegirl2424 and A-Broken-Mess with chapter three!!!!!! Hope you guys like it!! Wait no no no no. I HOPE YOU GUYS LOVE IT!!!!! Vote    Follow   Comment. Whatever you wanna do! Except for licking a goat!.... As you can see this is Anime writing this so you know it's gonna be weird. But anyways love u guys and hav an awesome day!!!!! BAIIIII!!!!!
A-Broken-Mess:  BYE GUYS!!!!!! LUV YA!!!!!!!

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