Dustin x Will

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Dustin grabbed Mike and Lucas's shoulders and pulled them out of the way and collapsed onto Will, hugging him tightly. He managed to whisper 

'I missed you so much' to him before he realised he had to stand up. 

'You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man!' Lucas exclaimed.

'Yeah it was mental!' Dustin added.

'You had a funeral.' Lucas said

'Troy peed himself!' Dustin remembered 

'What?' Will laughed 

'In front of the whole school!' Dustin explained 

Will laughed but then begun to cough. The smile slowly faded from Dustin's face, his hand inched closer to Wills in concern, 

'Are you ok?' He asked gently.

'It got me' Will said suddenly. 'The Demogorgon 

'We know man.' Mike said

'But its gone now.' Dustin reassured him.

'We made a new friend. She stopped it, she saved us' Mike spoke up. Will looked at him. He continued, 'But she's gone now.'

'Her names Eleven' Dustin spoke up.

'Like the number?' Will asked in disbelief.

'Well, we call her "El" for short' Lucas shrugged.

'She's basically a wizard' Dustin said, trying to inform Will of her powers.

'She has superpowers' Lucas whispers helpfully.

'More like a Yoda' Mike said.

'She flipped a van with her mind!' Dustin exclaimed. Then they all tried to explain what happen but Dustin couldn't help but stare at the look of awe on Wills face.

Eventually they were all ushered out of the room. And Dustin gave Will another goodbye hug. When he came out Lucas gave him a knowing look while Mike just smirked at him. He rolled his eyes and walked out with them.

One month later.... 

'Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time, and, and ,and' Mike dropped "unconscious" to the ground and Will Dustin and Lucas cheered happily. Dustin felt a pair of arms go around him and squeeze before letting go. It was Will. Luckily his over-excited face looked like it did just because they had won, no other reason.

'Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding.' Mike said. Dustin held up his bag proudly. 'You carry the heads out of the dungeon victorious, and you present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service' Mike finished.

'Whoa. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, that's not it is it?' Dustin interrupts, not wanting the fun to be over.

'No, there's a medal ceremony' Mike informs him. 

'Oh a Medal ceremony? What are you talking about?' Dustin asked. Mike shrugged.

'The campaign was way to short!' Lucas argues.

'Yeah!' Will agrees 

'It was ten hours!' Mike reasoned.

'But it doesn't make any sense!' 

'It makes sense!' Mike frowns 

'Whatever! We can figure it out tomorrow lets just go to sleep!' Will yells over everyone yawning. Dustin falls back in his chair.


at 1:00...

'Help! Help! Please, NO, YOU CAN'T TAKE ME AGAIN!' Will screams waking Dustin up. He looks around in panic to see everyone was asleep. He shuffled over to Will and pulls him to his side.

'Shhh, it's ok. Nothing going to hurt you. It's gone, and it won't return' He whispered. Will stopped shaking and looked up at him.

'Promise?' He asked shakily.

'Promise' Dustin replied. Will breathed out and lay his head on Dustin's chest. 

'Thanks Dustin, I really appreatiate it' He whispered and Dustin smiled. Both of them fell asleep in the next five minuets. Waiting to be found by the boys the next morning.

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