Mile Wheeler x Reader

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The quiet pattering of rain had started up outside, and the gentle hum of the microwave had you sleepily leaning against the countertop. The kitchen floor tiles were cold against your socked feet, almost willing you to pull yourself up onto the counter as you waited for the popcorn to finish popping. Your eyes flicked around the kitchen; by this hour, everything was washed and neatly tucked away by Mrs Wheeler, who was no doubt currently tucking Holly into bed for the night. You had been with the boys all day in the basement planning your next campaign, and although Dungeons and Dragons is one of your favourite pastimes, you're not a fan of the planning stages, especially when it lasts all day.

A shrill beeping erupted from the microwave, snapping your attention back to it as you rushed to turn off the sound. You snagged a hand towel to extract the bag, proceeding to pour its contents into a bowl and then heading out of the kitchen with it. You padded down the carpeted hallways, reaching the basement door and kicking it open with one foot.

"Popcorn!" You exclaimed, grinning as you trekked down the stairs, Dustin meeting you at the bottom to grab the first fistful,

"Y/N, my lord and saviour." At least, that's what he tried to say through a mouth full of popcorn. You rolled your eyes and moved around him to hand the bowl off to Will, who had kindly requested the popcorn in the first place, giving you a much-needed escape to refresh your brain. You wandered over to the couch where Mike was sitting, giving him a thankful smile as he held out your favourite blanket to wrap yourself in before settling down on the pile of cushions on the floor. You lean against his legs and relax as the boys rattle on about the monsters and the storyline excitedly. A slight breeze drifted through the vents in the walls, prompting you to pull the blanket more snugly over your shoulders. From down here, you had to strain your ears if you wanted to hear the steady thrum of the rain, and you hoped you had tucked your bike away well enough that it wouldn't get too wet. Then, there's a gentle tugging on your hair, and you tilt your head to look back at Mike, who met your eyes with a smile as he continued to run his fingers through absent-mindedly. You let him, trying not to wince whenever he caught a knot and unknowingly tugged through it. It felt nice. His hand began tracing the outline of your hair against your face, and a strange feeling butterflied across your chest. Your eyes roam back over to the others, crowded around the table, talking intensely. Dustin has both arms around the popcorn bowl, you're not quite sure when it got there, but you find yourself grinning in amusement.

"Oi! Henderson! Stop hogging the popcorn," he rolled his eyes at your playful tone and jokingly gave you the finger but passed the bowl nonetheless. You took the bowl, and Mike's hand dove in to grab a handful, which you knocked out of the way to grab your own, trying to ignore the strange way the contact sent sparks shooting up your fingers.

"Mhmm, this is good popcorn," Mike closed his eyes and leaned contently back against the couch, easily sinking into the soft cushions. You hummed in agreement as you popped a piece into your mouth.

"Thanks, I followed the back of the pack," you quipped, laughing as Mike poked your side with his foot. You could tell he was getting tired of campaign planning too, and honestly, Will was the only one still looking fully awake. He was always the most excited by the game, and you didn't have it in you to deny him the chance to play, although you never failed to become fully immersed in it once you started playing. You leaned back against Mike's legs and let your eyes flutter shut as he gathered another handful of hair to play with, each tug sending a new warmth running down your neck and across your shoulders.

Eventually, Jonathan's head peeps around at the top of the stairs to take Will home, and the night is finally over. Mike chuckled as you remained seated on the floor, offering his hand out to you,

"I'll pull you up?"

"Yes please." You grasp his hand, and he pulls you up with ease. You don't mention the way his hand is still firmly holding onto yours as if he was afraid to let you go. His hands are always warm, and recently you have caught yourself looking for excuses to grab hold of them. He never seems to notice; if he does, he pretends not to, just taking your hand in his as though you've been doing it every day all of your lives. By the time you reached the front door, Lucas and Dustin had already left, no doubt racing each other home. You spotted your bike leaning against the wall and your eyes lit up in relief as you moved towards it,

"Lucky it didn't get rained on!"

"Yeah, otherwise, you'd have to ride all the way home with a wet butt." You grimaced, and Mike laughed at your reaction, coming to stand on the other side of the bike. A few seconds passed, and you directed your gaze towards the ground, unsure whether you should go or stay.

"Thanks for having us round again," You say lamely, trying to keep the conversation going. You looked back up to see Mike's eyes, as soft and caring as ever, and you wondered how you ever looked away.

"You guys know you're always welcome, especially you," He smiled, and you tried not to notice how his cheeks reddened or how he nervously fidgeted with his fingers. You tried not to notice, despite not saying anything, the growing heat on your own cheeks or how your heart rate tripled when you realised how close you were standing, only the bike stopping your bodies from touching. You had been trying not to notice these things for weeks. But you couldn't help but feel amazed by the very sight of Mike, or dreadfully in love with the way he cared for you and the rest of your friends. How his hair ruffled in the wind or the way his smile lit up the room.

"Mike?" It came out as a whisper, and somehow the distance between you had gotten even smaller,

"Yeah?" He breathed, almost as though he was holding his breath before.

"I think I really like you," saying it out loud set off an explosion of fireworks in your chest, and all noise seemed to fade to nothing as you nervously awaited his response.

"I think," His hand came up to brush away some hair against your face, the contact sending chills down your spine, "I really like you too."

Without a second's hesitation, you had reached out and snaked a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him towards you to close the space between you. He let out a muffled 'oomph!' in surprise before melting into the kiss. Both hands came up to hold you closer, and you never wanted the moment to end, but eventually, you both had to pull away. Mike's face was bright red, and you could tell yours was the same, but you grinned widely up at him.

"Maybe we could do this again sometime," you whispered, hands still clasped around the back of his neck. He nodded enthusiastically,

"Definitely!" He seemed taken aback by his own eagerness and added sheepishly, "if you'd want to, of course." You chuckled and pulled him back down for another peck on the lips before releasing him and walking your bike down the driveway,

"Of course, I would Wheeler! See you tomorrow!" With a final glance over your shoulder at Mike standing awkwardly in the middle of the driveway, you kicked up onto the seat on your bike and peddled away into the night, unable to fully comprehend what just happened, but you knew you couldn't wait for it to happen again.

Not my best work but I hope you enjoy anyways!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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