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Playlist - I need you more
today by Caleb Santos

Chapter 13

"Seriously, Cloud?" Yinella grunts with an unreadable expression on her face. She's studying me, searching for any hint of me joking and fooling around, "and you didn't tell me?" A flash of relief enters my whole body. Hearing those words come out of her mouth is way better than 'what? That's impossible!' or 'you aren't lying, right?'.

Yinella's shift has been long over, but I told her I wanted to have a conversation with her inside the cafe just like before. We're behind the counter in Cafe de Alessandro. The sun's nearly setting, and there are currently no customers. All the other employees are at the corner either chattering or cleaning. No one can hear our conversation, and even if someone were to hear our discussion, I wouldn't mind one bit.

"I didn't know how to break it to you," I begin with a point before she can continue ranting, "me forgetting what happened in the past years. Me waking up nineteen years after 1998 married and with kids. Me not remembering anything that has happened since then... it is pretty hard to believe." I admit with a defeated sigh, "I don't understand anything, Yin; about me not loving someone like Ashton... and loving... D-Draco instead," it sounds unusual to say his name. Even Yinella takes a sharp intake of breath when she hears me mention his name. I go on anyway. "I mean; what's wrong with me?" I mutter under my breath, loud for her to hear, "am I a bad person?"

Tears roll down my eyes before I can go on. Yinella pats me on the back, "You want to know the whole story, Cloud?" She smiles at me sadly, "your feelings for Draco never really left."

I can't believe what she's saying. I look deep into her eyes, "Then why did I marry Ashton?" The words come out bitter, but it doesn't make me regret asking the question out loud.

"No one said it wasn't possible to love two people at the same time," Yinella tells me delicately, her features softening.

"B-but...." I refuse to believe this, "Why did I love Draco!?" I bark, anger brewing inside of me, "He married someone else in Verlan. He went to another continent, for goodness sake. He.. He ruined my f-future!" I argue with my eyebrows narrowed, my voice cracking, "Ash is perfect, Yin, perfect."

"Draco came back here in Marlion during 1999 to tell you that the wedding was off, but you were already with Ashton," Yinella explains as my whole body goes still at the news, "so he didn't bother getting in the way between you two."

"But he did." Draco came back. Draco managed to prevent himself from getting married. The idea sounds crazy, but it sounds so much like Draco. My stomach flips, and I'm not sure if it's because of excitement or nervousness.

Yinella slowly nodes. "Yes," she says, "a year ago."

A year ago? But my parents told me that I told them about the divorce just weeks ago.... oh my god. I turn pale. How long have I been cheating on Ashton just because he didn't have enough time for me?

"Why did I go back to him?" I ask through gritted teeth, my eyes squinting, "Why did I go back to Draco when I already had Ashton and my kids?"

"Like what I said, your feelings for Draco never left," she answers with so much ease, "you may love Ashton, but your feelings for Draco...." she sighs, "they were stronger."

"What?" I chuckle nervously as if the whole thing is some silly joke, "how is that possible when I already have four daughters with Ashton?" I grunt, "also, does that make me a bad person?" In other words, does that make me a cheater? An unfaithful person? A bad wife? A horrible mother?

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