“I didn’t think you meant that bad” he says as he grabs his stomach gasping for breath. I stick my tongue out at him again as I grab my ball and have a repeat performance much to Harry’s amusement. I cross my arms and take a seat.

“Well lets see your skills Mr Hotshot,” I say with raising an eyebrow. He said he was bad so now it was my turn for a laugh. He smirks and grabs his ball, standing on the dots before walking up and tossing the ball down the lane getting a strike. My eyebrows fly up.

“What the hell was that?” I ask in shock as he turns around with a cheeky grin. “I thought you said you were bad!”

“I lied,” he says with a wink as he walks back. “And you might want to shut your jaw by the way. It’s been hanging open” he adds cheekily. My mouth snaps closed as I glare at him.

“That’s not fair. I thought you were going to be as bad as me” I protest.

“I was going to pretend to be worse than you but you made it to hard so I decided to just be my amazing self” he says with a laugh. I huffed as I stood up to grab my ball, determined to at least hit one pin. I chuck the ball down the alley and I don’t get a single pin down again. I turn back to see Harry biting his lip to keep from laughing.

“Here let me help,” he says getting up and walking over. He takes the ball from my hands and turns it over until the holes were on top. “Put your fingers in here” he instructs. I relent and put my fingers were they were supposed to go. He moves so he’s standing behind me, still holding the ball with one hand and his other hand is around my waist. I smile slightly at our position, mentally scolding myself for ending up in such a cheesy ‘teach me how to do this’ position with him but at the same time happy I was.

“Now as you walk towards the lane, swing your arm back and then forward, releasing the ball right before you get to the end” he says making my arm do the motion once while we were just standing there. I nod and he steps back and I look down the lane, eyeing the pins. I walk down the lane, swinging my arm like Harry had said, and throw the ball. My eyes widen as I see the ball glide down the lane towards the pins. It actually looked like it was going to hit them. The ball curls off at the very end, knocking one pin, sending it into another so I got 2 pins down.

“Yes!” I yell jumping up and down turning back to Harry. “Did you see that? I got two down,” I shriek throwing my arms around him hugging him. He seems momentarily surprised that I had but his arms soon wrap around me, hugging me back. “I did, good job,” he whispers into my ear, his husky voice sending a shiver down my spine. I pull back embarrassed at my outburst.

“Sorry, I was just happy” I say looking down trying to hide my red face.

“I like you happy” he says with a grin. We continue bowling and I manage to keep knocking down a few pins. Harry jokes around on a few turns, throwing the ball between his legs, or backwards. The score ends with me bowling a 36 and he got a 120, which, considering all his joke frames, was pretty good.

“Looks like I finally found something I could beat Miss Perfect at,” he says with a grin. I narrow my eyes at him jokingly and stick out my tongue.

“So what now?” I ask, pulling off the shoes and slipping my own back on.

“I thought we’d go to the café for a bite,” he says questioningly. I nod my head. Since we had skipped class, we missed lunch, and it was now bordering on 2 and I was starving. We quickly make our way to the café, leaving our bowling shoes at the front counter as we leave.

“I’m paying for lunch by the way” he says intertwining our fingers as we walk. I smile, looking down at our hands.

“Fine,” I relent. “But this isn’t a date” I caution. He grins.

“Of course it’s not,” he agrees. “We just went out on Friday, I’d never go on another date so quickly,” he says jokingly. “There is the three day rule after all. I’d only be calling today”. I laugh shaking my head slightly at his explanation. We get to the café and the waitress comes over, handing us our menus. She gives Harry the once over but seems to be unimpressed and walks away after taking our order. I bite my lip, holding back laughter, at Harry’s shocked expression. It was quite obvious he expected her to try to flirt with him after he noticed her checking him out.

“Maybe she just wasn’t impressed with the red hair,” I suggest, reaching over and tugging lightly on his ginger locks. His hand flies to his hair, a surprised expression on his face. He had obviously forgotten about the wig. He grins.

“That must be it,” he says. “Nobody can resist the curls,” he says with a grin. “Not that I wanted her attention” he adds, realizing what he was saying. “I’m here with you”. I roll my eyes slightly at his cheesy smile trying not to smile myself.

“Tell me a weird fact about yourself” I demand, changing the subject.

“Hmmm…” he says thinking. “I dunno about a fact, but I have a confession” he offers. I raise an eye curiously, prompting him to continue. “Well…” he says nervously, almost afraid to continue. “Erm.. so… basically…” he continues, beginning to stutter, looking down at the table. “I was thing that maybe I’d… erm… maybe I’d audition for the X-factor next season.” He finally says.

“Wow really?” I ask shocked. I knew he played in that band. What was it? The Black Indian or something? But I didn’t know he was actually good enough for the X factor. I watched that every season. I had been so upset when Olly hadn’t won this past season. He nods his head.

“I know it’s still a couple months away and my chances aren’t very good. Besides it’ll be only my first year I could audition. Maybe I should just wait longer,” he says, beginning to ramble. I rest a hand on his causing him to stop talking and meet my eyes.

“You’ll do great” I assure him. He breathes out a sigh, almost as if he needed to hear someone say that. “I still need to hear you perform by the way” I say leaning back in my chair. He nods “Well we’re supposed to be playing at one of Luke’s parties on Friday night, if you want to go” he offers as the waitress brings over the food. I look at him with a shocked expression. I didn’t really go partying let alone at Luke’s party? Yea, like I’m sure he’d be thrilled for me to be there. Luckily the fact that the food was brought over bought me some time to think of a response.

“I don’t know…”I finally say.

“It’ll be fun, trust me” he says earnestly meeting my eyes. I finally sigh and nod my head. Boy was I going to regret that.


Yay an update! Thanks to everyone who has read this story. We just hit 2000 reads! Let me know what you think so far! Comment and Vote below! And don't forget to vote for WEML in the 1DWattyAwards!!!

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