Not Zeus himself was going to stop me.

Now... How am I going to get to Ogygia?

I knew there was a place i would have to look, though I loathed the thought of it. Plus I was dyslexic. I needed to go to the library. I swam to the surface and poked my ribs, all that appeared to be left was a small bruise.

I easily got out of the pool, perfectly dry and headed back to the elevator. Maybe I should tell everyone where I was going.. I didn't exactly feel like going up a few floors just to get stalled. But, what are robots named Jarvis for?

"Hey Jarvis, can you tell everyone I went to go to the library really quick and will be back soon?" I asked, trying to sound polite.

"Of course sir. " came his robotic reply.

I pressed the ground floor button and waited a little bit before the elevator came to a stop and I stepped out. The receptionist at the desk looked at me quizzically but didn't say anything as I walked past.

I stepped outside into the not-so-fresh air of New York city and started off towards the library. Annabeth loved the library. When we would come to New York and visit sometimes we would go there.

I had to push those thoughts away though. Right now I needed to focus. I had to see if they had anything on Greek mythology and see if I can find anything about Ogygia.

Because if I didnt, Annabeth would probably be lost forever.


Tony and Steve currently sat at the table playing go fish, Bruce was checking up on some things in the lab, Thor was probably around somewhere, and Clint and Natasha had just left a minute ago. But no one knew where, so they figured it was either spy stuff or a date. What's the difference?

"do you have a.. King?" Tony asked.

"Go fish. " Steve smirked as Tony drew a card. "Do you have a Ace?"

Tony glared at Steve then surrendered one of his cards. Steve smiled as he picked up the card then laid down three aces. Steve was actually winning. Well, by a lot.

"your cheating." Tony said. "you've never beat me at a game before!!"

Steve was about to reply to that comment when the robotic voice from the ceiling spoke up.

"sir, mr. Jackson has informed me to tell you that he is leaving to the library and will be back soon. " Jarvis said.

"ok, thanks Jarvis. " Tony replied. "you know what? I'm hungry.. Let's eat something. And then maybe watch some TV. "

"you just want to watch TV so we could end our game and not be beatin by me don't you?" Steve asked.

"Psh, no!! Of course not!" Tony said, faking hurt and put a hand on his heart. "why would I ever do that?"

Steve rolled his eyes at Tony as he went to the kitchen and started making himself a sandwich, while Tony simple grabbed some Lucky Charms and a bowl of cereal.

They sat at the table casually eating when Steve spoke up.

"Hey, don't Demigods have Dyslexia?" he asked Tony.

"Uh.. Ya why?"

"Then why would Percy want to go to the library?" Steve asked, seeming to be in deep thought.

"I don't know.." Tony wondered furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well," Steve said. "I guess we just have to wait until he gets back to ask him. "


I sighed as I made my way up in the elevator.

My library trip was unsuccessful. I found absolutely information about Ogygia. I also had a pounding head ache from all that reading. And the fact that I'm dyslexic was absolute no help at all. Annabeth probably would've been proud I actually went to the library on my own free will though.

The elevator stopped and I saw everyone siting on the couches casually taking turns playing Call of Duty Black Ops. I tryed to sneakily go to my room, not only because I was gone REALLY long but also because playing video games was like a beacon to monsters saying 'Hey I'm over here! Come and get me!'.

"Hey Percy. " Natasha said. Of course a trained assassin would easily catch me. I knew that her and Clint had left earlyer so I figured the probably just got back. I slightly sighed and turned around, trying my best to give them a smile, though they probably saw it was forced.

"Hey. " I said. "I'm just gonna go to my room. It's been a long day. " Natasha was curious but didn't want to push to much, which was good.

Thor then screamed as a zombie started attacking him in the game and you could clearly tell Steve was trying hardly not to freak out because he was surrounded by zombies.

"WHAT ARE THESE FOUL BEINGS?!" Thor cried out. Both Tony and Clint looked relaxed whilst shooting zombie head off, and Bruce said watching them along with Natasha.

"Chill out Thor! There just zombies!" Tony said. I took the time that Natasha was momentarily distracted to rush into my room.

I silently closed the door behind me and sat on the floor, my back to the door. (A/N LOL RYME ^.^)

I put my head in my hands and sat there for a while. Unless I was a god, which I wasn't, I couldn't get to Ogygia. I felt so helpless.

Absolutely helpless.

[A/N] PHEW I DID IT. I dunno why but I may be getting a little bit of writers block ._. Especially near the end. If you go to my book 'What goes on in my mind..' theres a part called 'The Process of Writing Aftermath.' that I wrote while writing this chapter XD I struggled a bit.. Poor Percy ^.^

QOTD: "That was so completely unfair, I told Tantalus to go chase a doughnut, which didn't help his mood." ~ The Sea of Monsters (ugh the movie sucked so much...)

Ok so 25 votes and 10 comments for an update!! ^.^





Peace, Unicorns and Percy!

~Camp_SkittleZ_Blood ^.^

Aftermath (A PJO/Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now