"What's up?" I asked, brushing hair away from my face and attempting to go for nonchalant. I didn't know how to act casual, but I was sure as hell trying.

"Uh," Isaiah said, obviously put off by the fact that I was trying, something I had really only done half assed since I had joined them in the foster home. He shoved his hands into his pockets, eyeing up Thorne and Sophia who were both clinging to me. I briefly entertained the idea that he might be jealous. "You have visitors."

My eyebrows shot up and I released Thorne's hand from my shock. "Visitors?"

He nodded, his lips quirking up slightly. "Morgan and Paisley. I guess they like you. They came over to hang out with you, though we assumed they had come over to hang out with us."

"You shouldn't assume things, it makes an ass of you and me, " the words rolled off my tongue before I could stop myself. I was all too familiar with the phrase, it being one that my father often said to me and my mom. I bit my lip, aware that I had just swore in front of kids and snipped at Isaiah for no apparent reason. I danced in place for a moment before strolling forward and into the house. "Thank you for telling me that they came to see me."

I ignored the "you're welcome" he threw after me and practically jogged to the living room, where I thought the girls might be waiting. I had been correct since the girls were lounging on the couch together, Paisley's legs thrown over Morgan's and a look of adoration plastered on her face. I hadn't been friends with the girls long, but long enough to notice the way they looked at each other as if they had found their one and only in life. Sometimes it made my heart warm, other times a sick feeling formed in the pit of my tummy. It was one of those sick days, but I pushed it away, forcing a smile.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them, taking notice of the fact that Jase and Landon were sitting in the room as well but in the armchairs. I turned my body so it was facing the girls more so than the boys; I was more comfortable facing them than Landon and Jase, which was weird considering I lived with the latter.

Morgan lit up and leaned forward, forcing Paisley to move her legs. "Darling!" She crooned and I grinned. I was absolutely endeared by the way she treated everyone like they were a potential lover but somehow managed to never offend Paisley in the process. "I'm so glad you're here. I was worried that you might have gone out galavanting without us."

We stared at each for a solid five seconds before bursting into laughter. The idea that I would go out and about, causing mischief, and on my own at that, was so ridiculous that it was hilarious. I spent most my days in my room by myself, drowning in thoughts and guilt. Paisley smirked, leaning back, looking so at home that I had to believe she visited often.

"It's good to see you laugh," she said plainly as if those simple words wouldn't impact my breathing and heart rate and cause me to pause, trying to remember the last time I had laughed before that. "It makes you look prettier than you already are. You should do it more often." She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. "I'm sure Isaiah already told you, but we'd like to hang out, and we brought something fun to do."

"I want to tell her," Morgan declared, nudging her girlfriend in the ribs. Paisley stuck her tongue out childishly and shoved Morgan back but then sent her a mega watt smile, as if reassuring they were still hopelessly in love.

My eyes darted between them before they rolled into the back of my head and I shot them a glare. "If you want to tell me so bad then tell me now."

I heard Jase snicker from behind me and then Landon hurriedly shush him. I bit my lip hard to contain my grin at how much this group amused me. They were never failing to get my mind off things, and it was moments like this that made me wonder why I tended to avoid them and push them away.

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