Part 1

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"Oh, get a room you two", Noah joked as he walked in on his son and Derek making out on the sofa in the living room of the Stilinski household. "You could have walked in on worse, dad", Stiles said parting from his boyfriend. "I have already walked in on worse!", Noah threw his hands in the air in desperation. Stiles shrugged while Derek blushed furiously. "The way to my bedroom was just too far", Stiles explained as if it was obvious. "I can never sit on that sofa again", Noah said innocently, fixing his gaze on a point on the floor. "Sorry", Derek apologized for the incident for what felt like the thousandst time. "It's not your fault, Derek. I know how impatient my son can be...", Noah sympathized with him. "Oh yeah, blame it all on me. Derek is just as impatient as me when it comes to...", Stiles started but was cut off by his father. "Nope. I don't want to hear that", he said loud enough to drown his son out and left to the kitchen. Stiles smiled to himself. He stood up and walked over to his dad and just hugged him. Noah was confused at first but lay his hands on his son's back and smiled after a second. "Thanks dad", Stiles whispered "for being relaxed about us". "As long as you're happy, I'm good. Also I really like Derek", Noah smiled at his hopefully sometime son-in-law. "I can only return that", Derek smiled at Noah who still had Stiles in his arms "though you might be the only one that likes me at the moment". "I like you", Stiles pouted. "Based on what I saw when I came in I would think so", Noah sassed and earned an eyeroll from Stiles. "The pack is just pissed because you give them chores, which is your job as the alpha. They don't mean it. It's like being mad at a teacher, because he waists your time teaching you something. They will appreciate it someday", Stiles explained. "I hope so", Derek groaned frustrated. "They still don't know about the two of you being together?", Noah asked and Stiles pulled away to look at his father. "Nope and it will stay this way for now. They are already grumpy. No need to pour salt in the wound", Stiles said and walked over to Derek. "Do you really think they will be angry? Or try to break you up?", Noah asked disbelievingly. "No, I think that Scott will try to kill Derek", Stiles said seriously. Then added "and he is way to pretty to die". Derek huffed out a laugh at that. "Really? Scott?", Noah asked. "What? Do you think he is too mature for that? Remember that you threatened Derek as well", Stiles reminded his father. "Effectively I might add", Derek said. "I just pointed a gun at you, it's not like I shot you", the sheriff defended himself. "Yeah because of this damn weapon I stayed a virgin until I was legal", Stiles rolled his eyes and both Derek and the sheriff sighed. "So you're afraid Scott will kill Derek because you had sex?", Noah asked not fully getting his son's argumentation. "Maybe", Stiles shrugged "Derek is older than me and you know Scott. He always tries to protect everyone. Especially me. And he could actually kill someone and get away with it, as a werewolf I mean. Also I am afraid he will reject me when he finds out I am gay". Stiles words turned into a whisper at the end. Derek took his hand and squeezed it to reassure him that he was there for him even if his best friend would turn his back on him. "I can't believe Scott will do that, but I get your point. Do what's right for you", Noah smiled at his son "I will always support you. Except when you have sex all around the house, you have a room god damn it". "Oh god please change the subject", Derek pleaded. "What's for dinner?", Noah asked laughing and earning a thankful smile from Derek in return. "I actually planned some really fancy dinner", Stiles said with a proud smile. Derek looked at him fondly and Noah looked a little lost. "Why's that?", he asked his son. "It's our anniversary today", he answered happily. "Really? It has been a year already? Time flies. Well, congratulations then! I won't be third wheeling, I am just gonna head out to...", Noah blabbered. "Dad!", Stiles cut him off "we actually want you to eat with us. I'm gonna make a Carpaccio first, then Steak with rosemary potatoes and garlic and some creme brulee as dessert. It's Derek's favourite and I know it's yours too. You are quite alike sometimes which is creepy now as I think of it", Stiles said. "No I can't...", Noah tried again but was cut off by Derek this time. "We really want you to stay, Noah", he said sternly. There was no chance for Noah to say no. Not that he wanted to. The food sounded delicious, really. And he knew that his son was a fantastic cook, like really amazing. He learned it from his mom when he was little. After her death he kept her cooking books. She always made notes in the books and Stiles studied them as if his life depended on it. He felt connected to her when he cooked from her books. "Thanks", he said to the couple in front of him "I really appreciate the gesture". "You know I like to have you around", Stiles said and they smiled at each other. "But sometimes it's also nice for the both of us if you're not around", he hinted. "What?", Noah asked not sure if he should feel offended by his son's words. "You might want to leave somewhere after dinner", Stiles threw him another hint and he finally got it and nodded. "It might be best", he said shaking his head laughing at his son's bluntness "but please take it to your room. The sofa and I are traumathized enough". "Deal", Stiles smiled triumphantly.

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