(9) decent human being

Start from the beginning

"They've got no class," I tease back, already starting to have my mouth get messy from the juice of a grape. Jin laughs at me eating a grape, out of all fruits, wrong. He pops one in for himself, no longer so shy as he chews and smiles proud.

I eat another, mimicking his smile and challenging him unknowingly.

"Wah," he praises when seeing me devour the main dish. "You eat well," he laughs, "Better than me." Then his face changes into fake seriousness and he mumbles close to my ear, "Don't tell anyone what I just said. I've got a reputation to protect." I giggle, flinching away from his breath making my hair wiggle off my shoulder.

I purposely fluff my cheeks, making the food in my mouth feel as if its too much. Shutting my eyes as I chew and moan in content over the taste, I feel his eyes at my side. Again, with the admiring Jin starts, but I don't blush over it anymore.

"Ah, really," he says with such care, stopping with eating himself, watching me, "So cute."

I choke on my food a little. Jin panics, bringing water to my mouth immediately. My fingers are dirty, so I don't touch his hands, he helps me drink. Leaving a cough from my mouth, I slow down with my munching, staring at him awkwardly while thanking him.

Jin's cheeks are blushing again, and he nods. "Don't be worried about money okay? Order whatever you'd like as you stay here."

I nod, going back to eating fruits while I eat slow. The stares I give him are unknown. I don't know what to say, what to do, so I just stare until the force that has caught my tongue finally loosens, "Thank you for last night and today." I swallow hard and its not because of the food.

Jin smiles. I see some of his teeth poke from his lips that are so full. "I was angry last night, and scared. I couldn't just leave you there."

I lick my lips. "But you don't know me..."

"Is that supposed to matter?" he asks gently, eyes soft like the gazes you found on him last night, "What happened to you shouldn't be acceptable. Period."

"It normally isn't," I nonchalantly inform, "Sarah is always there to care for us afterwards, sometimes even before as she prevents it from happening. But Duke. Duke doesn't care." That's a lot of my life I've shared in such a ramble, I shy away instantly before trying to eat and shut my mouth up. I don't want to say anything else to the idol.

"Normally?" he asks shocked, "How many times does this kind of thing happen?"

I say nothing.

Jin's expression softens.

"How many times has it happened to you?" His voice is so tiny.

I say nothing.

"Ah, I'm sorry," his hands rub at a napkin, "Maybe I shouldn't be intruding your space with questions...especially considering how you must still be effected from last night." He apologizes again for bringing it up in his apology, going red when I look at him. I smile.

Jin's kindness isn't a front. His awkwardness isn't a front. His genuine character is who he is, and I see it from the way he mumbles, gets shy, gets embarrassed...I like seeing this sort of man.

It goes quiet. I nibble on an apple like a bunny does to a carrot as I ask, "Which group are you a part of?"

Jin seems taken aback from such a regular question and I laugh.

"Oh, um, BTS." Jin grins at the side of his mouth when I look perplexed.

"Bangtan, ahh, I've heard a lot about you guys!"

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