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Jade's POV
I was getting ready in my trailer for a new episode until our director came in. "Jade, there is a new castmate. Her name is Paige. I was wondering if you could show her around." He says. "Sure. Let me finish getting ready." I say. After I finish with hair and makeup, I go to costumes. I get changed into today's uniform and head out. I see a unfamiliar face, so I assume it's Paige. "Hi, are you Paige?" I say, walking up to her. "Yes." She says shyly. "Hi, I'm Jade. I work on the same show as you." I shake her hand. "I know, I love your show! I can't believe that it's up to season six already!" She says. "Yes, and we needed new cast mates to expand the show more." I show her around the studio and I take her to our set. She is amazed. "Wow! I cannot believe I'm actually here!" She says, fascinated by the set. "Jade, who's this?" Breanna says. "Didn't you guys know, there are new cast mates this season! She's one of them." Breanna looks at Paige. "Oh right, I remember our director said that, but we forgot. Hi Paige." She shakes Paige's hand. "So sorry Jade, but to make Paige feel more at home, there's no filming today." Our creator says. I go back to the trailer and get hanged back to my normal clothes. "Hey, we should play capture the flag first!" Breanna suggests. "Ivan, you're team one's leader." She adds. Ivan picks Aidan, Jama, Lyndsie, Brec, Tony, Sean and Jade. "Ruby, you're team two's leader." Breanna says after Ivan chose his team. This means Breanna, Ricardo, Lance, Haley, Mackenzie, Thailer and Paige are on Ruby's team. We played for ten minutes, and then Ricardo suggested another game. "We should create an obstacle course with things we have on set!" He said. We all went back to set and Ricardo told the director. He started moving stuff for our course. "Okay, the order of who's going is Jade, Tony, Ricardo, Breanna, Jama, Aidan, Ivan, Lance, Thailer, Paige, Haley, Sean, Mackenzie, Brec, Ruby and then Lyndsie." Our director finished explaining the rules, and then we did the thing. After we played, I suggested freeze tag. Haley was the first tagger. Lance then suggested a scavenger hunt around our set, the NRDD set, the Henry Danger set and the Game Shakers set. We all had to pair up, so it was Ruby and Ricardo, Haley and Mackenzie, Breanna and Jama, Lance and Thailer, Lyndsie and Ivan, Tony and Brec, Aidan and Sean, and me and Paige. For proof, we had to take a photo of the thing. Aidan then suggested we would shoot hoops with balloons. With balloons! That is just, I don't know the correct term to use. Anyway, after that really weird and annoying game, Paige suggested tug of war. It was Breanna, Jade, Jama, Haley, Lyndsie, Ruby, Mackenzie and Paige on one team while Ricardo, Lance, Aidan, Tony, Ivan, Sean, Brec and Thailer on the other team. Our team won. I looked at the time and decided to go home for dinner.
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