Chapter 4: Graduation

Start from the beginning

I walked through the aisle, smiled slyly at the school officials seated on the stage, some looked bored as fuck but the select others pretended to care when actually, they were just glad our class was finally going out of their heads. I turned at the end, and found my way to the seat that was assigned to me.

Somehow I managed to smuggle my phone in the pocket of my jeans under the toga, so while waiting for the other hundred students to take their seats, I played with it. Out of boredom, I texted Mom who scolded me badly through text sprinkled with bad autocorrect. I also had the time to check Vanah’s new update to her FanFiction. She was supposed to be anonymous, but she was careless enough to update it while she was in my house.

Though I didn’t say it aloud, I was a computer geek at heart. I managed to hack through networks, but I never did anything too serious anyway.

Hours of boring speeches about congratulating out class on making it this far, it was the valedictorian’s time to take the speech. It was anonymous to the rest of the class besides to the person, and it turned out, Savannah was the valedictorian.

Everyone clapped as she took her place in the stage, taking her own phone from out of her pocket. I guessed she had her speech on her phone the whole time.

“Good afternoon, to everyone at this very moment.” She said, and to everyone’s surprise her speech wasn’t monotonous like the other’s we had been hearing the whole day. “But before I give my speech, let’s take a selfie.” She laughed and faced against us, trying to fit everyone graduating in the photo. She counted down, and we all laughed at the way she was delivering her speech.

“Okay.” She sighed, and gave us a smile. “Today, we are graduating, and getting away from the place we called hell almost every day.” People laughed, though silently. “But as we grow up, with jobs and kids, we will all think back on the great memories we called high school. I know most of you took the memories for granted, but think back and look at the people you love.” She paused, and I swear she was looking directly at me.

“There are times where we all make mistakes, and sometimes we make some we’re not at all proud of, but without those, where would we be now? Imagine where I would be if there was someone who was smarter than I am, but he chose to be stupid. Someone else would be standing here, delivering a speech for all of you, but he chose the other path. He chose to go left, when he was supposed to go right. He had to go through crossroads, and instead of following what was designed for him, he let his stubbornness overcome his dreams.”

I swear, she was glaring at me the whole time.

“ You’d think that would be stupid, but it’s not impossible. I think that would be a huge mistake for the person, and we can’t be like that forever. We have to embrace who we are as a person. We’re all different here. We all have different roads to go through after this, and maybe someday we’ll meet each other again. But even though we’ll be going separate ways, but we met once. Think of it this way: our paths all met when we once thought Alexander Chase was–and still is–very attractive.”

I glared at her, but everyone just laughed as if it were true. I knew it was, but I didn’t think everyone else thought the same.

Huh, I guess I underestimated myself. I glanced at Mom, who looked at me with an accusing smile that made me wink at her.

Savannah looked guilty, but continued with her speech.

“The whole class agrees on that, and that proves that no matter how different we all are, there’s something we have in common.” She continued. “Accept who we are. And whoever says different can suck my nonexistent dick.” Everyone in the class hollered at her statement while parents just looked shocked out of their minds. “I love you all, and I hope you guys see that we’re not going to be stuck like this forever. We’re going to change, but I know it will be for the better.”

She closed her eyes, and a tear escaped.

 “I know this class as the most rebellious one, am I correct?” She looked over to the principal, who just nodded begrudgingly. “And sometimes rebellion isn’t bad. Sometimes, it just leads us to our dreams, and I know that this group of students won’t give up on something. When you want something, grab it while you can. Maybe someone will grab it before you, so choose wisely, okay?” She paused “Congratulations, Seniors batch of 2014! Thank you for sticking together until the end. Good day to everyone.”

The applause obviously surprised her, but she didn’t show it.

“Thank you, Savannah.” The guest speaker said, though he seemed annoyed with what Savannah had said in her speech.

If there was anyone who was surprised, that would be me. I was actually shocked she called me attractive after everything that happened between us.

I stared at her, and just realized that her hair was back to blonde. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and I remembered why I had that crush on her since childhood.

She stayed up the stage for us to receive our diplomas, and she was actually releasing a few tears. People went up the stage, receiving their high school diploma for the first and last time, looking proud or wistful depending on the gender.

“Chase, Alexander.” My name was called, and I walked through, taking the sheet of paper gingerly in one hand, and shaking hands with the other. I stayed in front of Savannah, even though everyone looked at me, as if telling me to move on.

I ignored them, and threw my arms around her, placing a kiss on top of her head.

“Alex.” She warned, though not trying to get out of my grip anyway.

“I love you.” I whispered, before walking away from her, and down the stage.

I mean, come on. It’s high school graduation. It’s very unlikely this batch would meet each other after this, and I guess it was like I was thinking ‘Hey, your best friend called your attractive in front of a hundreds of people. She wasn’t going to get away with it. Fuck it, I’m gonna kiss her.’ Or something like that, except I wasn’t thinking at all.

But it was absolutely the best graduation ever.


Hola lovely readers!

[if there are any of you...]

I'm sorry if its pacing is too fast. I have to finish this by, like ten-chapters, and there's still a lot in store for characters. I miss Cain, but my baby can wait.

Do you guys have any casting opinions for this? Idk I just want Emma Stone to be Savannah, but Andrew Garfield isn't blonde oh. :( the struggle.


VOTE if you want some VaLex? VanEx? ANah? action in the next chapter. hehe ily all aw MWAH

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