Chapter Eleven (Pic of Damon)

Start from the beginning

Yeah yeah

I'll keep you locked in my head

Until we meet again

Until we

Until we meet again

And I won't forget you my friend

What happened

If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them out

Cause they're all wrong and

That last kiss

I'll cherish

Until we meet again

And time makes

It harder

I wish I could remember

But I keep

Your memory

You visit me in my sleep

My darling

Who knew

My darling

My darling

Who knew

My darling

I miss you

My darling

Who knew

Who knew

Who Knew, P!nk


A loud wail rang throughout my bedroom. I groaned out loud and turned my head towards the bedside table. It was five o’clock in the morning and I looked towards my side and groaned again once I looked towards the wailing and screaming baby doll lying beside me on the bed. I lazily searched my bedside table for the keys and shoved the keys randomly until the baby finally shut up. I looked toward the alarm clock again and glared icily at the doll lying peacefully next to me. I picked up my phone and dialed a number I had stolen from Xander many hours ago.

The sound of a phone ringing wailed throughout the quiet bedroom but it soon went to voicemail. I tried again and after countless amounts of the annoying ringing the person I had been trying to reach finally picked up.

“Hello?” a deep husky voice groaned sleepily into the receiver.

“Come over or you’ll never see the light of day again.” I growled.

“Calypso?” Damon asked in confusion.

“Yes, dipshit, now come to my home or I will murder you.”

“Wait, why do I nee-“

“Would you like to die today?” I growled icily.

“…No.” came his short response after a moment of silence.

“Then come to my house right now.”

“Yes ma’m.” he said with a sigh before hanging up.

As soon as I threw my phone to the side the baby wailed loudly once again.

“That’s it…” I growled lowly.


“Calypso, put Jellybean down.” Damon said slowly.

I turned around with the baby in my hand to see Damon with his hands raised in a soothing motion with his car keys in one hand. His hair was messy and stuck up in random directions while he had on dark jeans and a rumpled and wrinkled blue v-neck. His eyes were still droopy with sleep and he had marks on his face where he had most likely been sleeping on his pillow. Yet even though he was messy and unorganized he still managed to be unbelievably sexy. Of course he would be one of those people who are annoyingly perfect, I thought with distaste.

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