Jealousy ( 2/2 )

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My Clingy Boyfriend ❤

Lisa's pov

I run mindlessly.

I run and run and run.

I don't care about what i am wearing right now.

[[ that time i am actually wearing Daniel's Shirt and short pant,cause i am out because i was about to throw the rubbish away ]]

I just run until i reached a small yet familiar street

Ahh,i finally remember which street is this,

the street that lead me toward Ong's house

I walk and walk until i smell a familiar yet one of my favourite aura in the world..after Daniel's :'))

I just stand right infront Ong's house

I hesistate

Right before i could ring the bell,

Ong open the door.

I give him the best smile,

"Don't hey hey me! Are you out of your mind?!why're u here?! Like this?!without warm clothes?!you could die out there!?it's almost winter Lisa!?did you ever think about yourself first?!it's about 7°c out there!?"
Ong hug me,he's so warm 😽

He gave me his jacket

"can i stay here tonight?please?"
I begged at Ong

His Mama looks so shocked when she see me shivering,

She hugged me,

"what are doing here lisa?"

"hehe"i just give her a smile

She treat me the exact way she treat Ong

I called her Mama too,my mama is not here so Ong's mama treat me like she treat her own daughter

"Mama?can i stay here tonight?i want to sleep with Ong"
She nodded

"Seong woo,gives her your clothes,i'll get you some pants,just stay here's rain out there"
Ong's mama walk toward her room,while Ong run upstairs

Ong's Room

I change into Ong's oversized sweater and pijama's pant that mama gives to me,

It keep me warm,

Ong turn the Ac off when he see me shivering

"thanks Ong"
I smile

"nahhh..Why are you running just now?"
Ong asked me

I didn't answer his question,but he seem like he understand just by looking at me

"is it about Daniel?"

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