twenty one: jealous girlfriend

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I have been cheated on once in a relationship. I was sophomore that time. And I was dating the most beautiful girl in my class. We didn't last that long, though. Why? Because she cheated on me with some jock.

I know how it feels being jealous of that one person. That one person who your girlfriend spends more time with than you. Or - or the one person she seem to find happiness with.   

And that sucks, 'ya know? That feeling, I mean. And I sure do know when a person is jealous. And I happen to know someone who is.

My girlfriend.

She was silent the whole ride back to the apartment, gaze fixed outside and nit once sparing me a look.


Why is she jealous?

Did she know that Kyle is there?

Does she know that I still have feelings for her?

Oh fuck.


Dammit. I can't take it anymore.

I sighed the moment we pulled into the driveway of our apartment complex.

"Babe," I said, voice barely above whisper.

"I saw her on the booth by the window," she said, voice alot less audible than mine. "She was looking at you, you know?"


"I know you saw her, too, " she mumbled, head hanging low, keeping her face low so I won't see the emotions it held. "She's beautiful, " she shrugged as nonchalant as possible but I didn't miss the way she snifles as she tried to control her crying.


"She still loves you," she said, voice breaking at the end as a tear fell down  her cheeks.

I shifted in my seat so I was totally facing her. I wiped her tears away then caressed her cheek. I leaned in. But not to kiss her - to tell her the truth. "I love you, Allison. Only you."

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