Until We Love Again Chapter 5

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Aaliyah's POV:

When I woke up the next morning I started getting Josh dressed. I didn't really sleep that great, I was tossing and turning thinking about what I said to James. I know people keep telling me to forgive him, but I doing what  us to be together and me keep bring up the pass with Alona. I should talk to Lashay again, so she can talk some sense into me.

"Mommy when is daddy coming back?" Joshua asked while walking to his bus stop. His bus stop was right outside my complex.

"He might come back later on today baby. I will ask him" I said to my baby. I love how he calls his daddy. They are so good together and I'm so glad by baby boy will have a father figure in his life. I grew up my entire life with out a father and at first I didn't  care to find Josh's father, but I'm glad he has one.

"Otay.' He said acting sad. I laughed at him then kissed him good bye and watched the bus drive by. I'm walking back to towards by apartment and I see a girl walking towards me. she was pretty far away, so I couldn't make out what she looked like. as she got closer she has raggedy clothes on, and fucked up hair. Even though she looked damn near homeless she still looked pretty in the face. Nothing will make her look ugly it seems like.

"oh my fucking goodness." I said feeling a wave of anger rushing through my blood steam. It was the slut of a cousin Alona. I haven't seen her in a long time and boy she look ruff. I walked the other direction, so I didn't have to see her. Right when I was trying to get over what her and James did she pops right up.

"Aaliyah Wait!" Alona yelled running after me.

"What the fuck do you want and how do you know where I live?" I snapped at her. I just wanted to smack her just looking at her. I didn't care how she found out I just want her gone already.

"Your mom gave me your address." Alona confess.

I rolled my eyes even more annoyed then I was before and walked aways.

"Aaliyah Please I'm sorry for all the terrible things I've down. I felt like shit these past few months and I couldn't live with myself anymore with out talking to you. What I did was unforgivable and I understand if you don't ever want to see me again. I love you cousin and I would do anything for." Alona explained.

We walked to my apartment and I let her use my shower. She smelled like she has changed her tampon in almost a week. Yeah, thats how bad she smelled and I almost felt sorry for her. I gave her some clean clothes she could put on until hers got done washing in the washer and dryer. One thing I hate about myself is I have a soft spot. I not saying I believe the things she was saying, but I didn't want to see her walking around looking like she haven't showered in weeks. I gave her some water and we sat at the dining room table in the kitchen.

"Alona what happened to you and why did you smell like you haven't showered in god knows how long?" I asked her

"I got fired from my job and lost everything in my apartment. I couldn't afford to get my stuff, so I had to leave it. I've been sleeping outside for the pass few weeks, because I got in a fight with this chick at the shelter." She explained to me with this sad helpless voice.

"Well you're not staying if if that's what you're expecting out of me." I said very blunt. I hope she didn't think because I let her use my shower she would be staying here. I certainly did forget all the terrible shit she did to me.

"oh-uh no I just wanted to come and talk to you Aaliyah I wasn't trying to stay." She said taking a sip of water.

"Okay well I heard what you had to say, now it time for you to leave Alona" I stood up from the dining room chair and walked to the living room.

"But Aaliyah-" "No! I didn't even want you in my house right now, but I couldn't stand the smell of you. I will give you some bus fare, but that's it. Don't ever come here again Alona." I Demanded then I opened the front door.

She grabbed her stuff from out the dryer and walked out the door. I closed it and sat on the couch. I have never hated someone like I hated Alona. Surprisingly, a part of me wanted to help her, but what she did will always out weights everything.

I texted James to see what he was doing.

'Hey James, I'm sorry about what happened last night. Me and Josh would like to see you tonight.' I sent to him.

A half hour went by and still no response. James is pretty good with texting me back, especially, when it's about Joshua. I decided to call him and his phone went to voice mail.

'What up y'all know who it is. I can't come to the phone, but leave me a short message yo. Peace.'

I listened to the voicemail and the sound of his voice turned me on so much. I went upstairs and ran me a hot bubble bath. I lit some candles and played some Lyfe Jennings. His music just gives me life and speaks to my soul.

I started rubbing my thicke and worked my way down to my pussy lips. I know I'm not the only one who gives their kitty a massage while in the tub.

I opened my lips and massaged my clit in circular motion just like u like it. I started thinking about James and what had happened yesterday. The ways he picked me up and sucked on my nipples. Mhhhh. I need him so bad right now.

"Ohh yess!" I moaned out loud. I'm bitting my lip imagining James sucking every inch of me.
I could feel myself about to cum, but I wanted this moment to last a little long.

"OH MY GOD I'M ABOUT TO- " I hesitated and heard my phone ringing. I grabbed my towel and rushed to my room to get my phone. I saw that it was James and answered.

"Look who decided to answer." I said putting my hand on my hips.

"Hey, sorry I got a lot going on. I got your message and I can't come over today." He said simply. I wasn't expecting that response at all from him. I could tell from the sound of his voice that something was wrong.

"Oh- Is everything okay?" I asked

"I have to go Aaliyah... (Beep Beep)"

I dropped my phone on my bed speechless. I didn't know what to say, think, or feel.
'Was he mad about what I said?' I asked myself that question over, and over.

I decided to brush it off for now and relaxed until Josh got home. I picked him up from the bus stop and mad him and peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Is daddy coming over?" Joshua asked me.

"Not today baby uh.. something came up. He said he love you though." I said kissing him in the forehead. I could help but to think maybe something serious was going on. I just don't want him to be mad about what I said and take it out in our son. Joshua needs him, and so do I.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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