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Brightly Spotted: It's only been a month since James Blair returned to his rightful place as New York's sexist bachelor and rumor has it that this playboy is already on the prowl. Late last Friday night, Blair was spotted leaving good friend Collin Wilson's bar with a mysterious young woman. Although, there are no photos capturing the twosome, sources at the bar said the two appeared "very cozy and intimate." At one point, Blair was witnessed wrapping his arms around the mystery woman and even opening the door as the two left the popular bar.

We see Blair hasn't lost of any of his gentleman charm or playboy ways. Whoever the lucky woman is, we here at Bright! commend you on snagging this bachelor ever so quickly. Especially, since rumor has it that Blair's ex Zarah Phillips is newly single. With her emergence as the new face for Atelier Beauty, Zarah Phillips is poised to take over New York again. Now, it's only a matter of time before we get the inevitable reunion or reconciliation of Zarah Phillips and James Blair. Ladies be sure to get a taste of Blair before Phillips snatches him up again.


Jade shut down her computer for the day. She had two dates planned and a very important phone call with Harper later tonight to find out about her date with The James Edward Blair. Only Harper. She had to be the luckiest girl Jade had ever met. Two months after moving to New York she had found a job at Bright! Magazine. A job that had taken Jade two years to get. Then she meets and sleeps with James fucking Blair all in one weekend. Harper was the luckiest fucking person Jade had ever met.

If they weren't such close friends, Jade would be pissed, but she knew Harper. Harper was a gem. She wasn't tarnished by the harsh realities of living in a cutthroat city like New York. Although, Harper claimed that she was no longer the naive flower that Jade had met two years ago, Jade knew that there was a part of her that would always retain that innocence. Harper wasn't as jaded as the rest of them and in a way that was her saving grace. Despite, the guard that she kept up at times, Harper still had a big heart.

The knock on her cubicle door wavered Jade from her thoughts.

"Yeah" She responded. Most of the staff had gone home, so she figured it was the cleaning crew, but to her surprise it was her boss/editor, Miranda.

"Good. You're still here." Miranda answered entering the cubicle. "I am switching you to Blair this month."

Jade paused in shock.Unlike Harper, Jade actually loved her job. She had the investigative ability to find out everything about anyone and not give two fucks about having to write about it. Plus, she thrived on other people's drama and gossip.

"I thought you'd be more excited. You were begging to shred him apart when he broke up with that supermodel."

"Yeah, right." Jade continued. "Uh. I thought Cole was working it."

"Cole is covering Illustrate now. Do you want it or not?"

"Yes." Jade blurted out.

"Great. Start digging around see what you find. Give me something by the end of the week. Knowing his type, he's probably fucking some girl already." Miranda finished before walking away.

Still in shock, Jade unconsciously nodded as she sat down in her chair. Fuck! She already knew who that girl was....


Harper touched her natural hair one last time. Her curls were big and everywhere. They matched her emotions. She wasn't sure if she was nervous, excited, or afraid. Harper took a deep breath trying to calm herself. Just the thought of seeing James again gave her a swirl of emotions. The first time they met he was an anonymous person, but now that she knew he was James Blair-everything was different. What happens after you fuck the most eligible man in New York? She opened her clutch to adjust her lip gloss.

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