When Boredom strikes

Start from the beginning

"So, everyone's training... so team seven will be in the hospital........."


"Nothing!" I ignored him. Then my face fell.

"I'm gonna be bored again..." I sighed and flopped onto the counter. "No crazy idiots to annoy we and keep boredom at bay..." I sighed again and roled onto the floor. Everyone sweatdropped at me. 

The sweatdropped more when I started to literally roll away onto the streets and towards Tsunade's office.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK I rolled into he door ovr=er and over until some random anbu guy opend te door for me.

"Come in." I attempted to roll in, but the guys feet were in my way. "DA FUDGE!?!?" I asked him angrily. He sweatdropped and backed away.

"Thank you." I rolled in.

"Huh Where are-" Tsunade cut off her words when she saw we smiling at her from the floor. 

"What's the matter now?!?!?" She whined. 

"I heard that team 7 is gonna be all over the hospital,  mean jsut all over." I corrected myself. She sweatdorpped again. 

"And I'm gonna be bored again..."

"You became a nin because you were bored?" She asked me.

"I have no life..." I moaned and anime cryed right there on the floor, still not getting up.

"Then do you want to be re-assagined?" she asked me, wanting me away from her as soon as possible. I don't blame her.

"NOOOOO!!! I WANT SOMETHING HARDER!" I yelled, rolling around on the floor again.

"GET OFF THE FLOOR!" SHe ost her calm. I sat up and turned my head to the side.

"What's your damage?" I uttered. She panted, trying to calm herself. Her eye still twitched.

"How bout Anbu?" she grinned evily. I perked up at this. 

"SURE!" She grin spread out, creeping me out. I turned away slowly. "When's the testing?"

"You pass already." The anbu began protesting, but her evil eye stopped them in their tracks. "I don't need half of our anbu in the hospital."

"Here's your misson." she threw a random scroll at me and a box.

"WHAT!?!? THIS IS TOO FAST!" I screamed at her. Her evil grin hadn't gone away yet, so I decieded to back off. Emma was probably just being lazy.... right?

Not risking the chance, I left abrutly to a forest or crap in the village. I looked at my misson.

"Be  Moon's Death again for the next 2 1/2 years." My mouth became that :X face as I re-read the simple statment. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" I asked/brokelotsofeardrums.

"So she wanted to get rid of me." I anim cried. I sighed and decieded to head back home

My face tunred to :X again... I had no idea where Kakashi's house was.


"Will you stop destroying the forests?" I spun around to find Kakashi.

"NEVER!" I shouted. He sighed.

"WHat's your stupid misson?" he asked.

I showed him the scroll.

He looked up. "No, you can't be on anbu." he forbid me. I stuck my tounge out at him. "Plus, what's with your misson?"

"Either The dear old Hokage wants me gone or Emma's being stupid again." I told him.

"Who's Emma?"

"The author of this story."

"What story?" 

"This story."

"We're in a story?"

"No we're not"

"Then whose Emma?"


"OF WHAT?!?!?"

"OF......whose Emma?"

Kakashi face faulted. I tilted my head sideways. "OH YEAH! EMMA'S THE-" Kakashi put a gloved hand over my mouth to stop me. He really doesn't learn does he? I bit his hand yet again. He'll never learn...

He glared at me and shook his head. "When's your misson start?" He asked.

I looked back at the paper "Tommorow." I announced.

"Tsunade is evil." he sighed.

"Either that or Emma-" 

"STOP IT WITH EMMA!" He yelled, making me sigh. 

"Ignorant fool." I sighed and began to walk away.

...."....Where's your house?" I asked him. He sighed and dragged me to the apartment.

He led me to a room. "You'll sleep here for the night and when you get back." he told me. I walked in, it was orange and red.

"IT'S AWSOME!!!" That brought a smile to his face. 

"I decorated it for you." he admitted I turnedto him and smiled.

"ARIGATO!!" I skipped over nad hugged him. He hugged back this time.

"Kunashi..." I turned around. His mask was down. To be honest with you, his face was god-like. And I've seen demons who use looks to lure in women. Kakashi bea them all.

 He came closer, realizing what he wanted, I blushed. Softly, he kissed me and I kissed back. When we broke apart, we were panting.

"You'll leave in the morning rihgt?" he asked me, sadly.

"Yep....I'll be back in around 2.5 yearrs time." I confirmed. He held me closer.

"Love ya."

Seeing Red... (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now