When Boredom strikes

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"One order of pale moon herbs for an old granny!" I announced when I arrived  at Tsunade's office. She glared at me.

"I'm not an old granny."She growled.

"Then this must be the wrong place! GASP! Sorry! Can you point me to the Hokage's office?" Kakashi punched me on the head. 

"ITAI! MEANIE!" And I punched him into the next room.

"Glad to see you realy love him!" Tsunade remarked sarcastically. I stuck my tounge out at her.

"PU~!!!" I sang at her. 

"You're staying at his ouse after all." CRAP! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!!

I sweatdropped. "Imma gonna go train..." I threw the herbs at her. "Can you bring these to the old granny for me?" I smirked and exited via window. 


For the first time in a loooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg time, I used my proper timespace jutsus. 

"Ahhhh... so nice to finally train properly." I remarked whist destroying half the forest I ws in with a simple attack. Restraining myself was NOT I repeat NOT easy. I still restrained of cousre, I didn't want to wipe the training grounds out in a couple of moves! THat awould be real bad.....

O.o I could feel someone staring at me. I turned to find a bandaged, shocked Naruto. "Yo!" I waved at my brother. 

".... da faq?" he asked. HE WAS CATCHING ON!!! WHEE! I started dancing around the trainig grounds like a ballerina/rapper. Weird combo BTW. Don't try it at home.

"Wanna get ramen?" I asked Naruto. His face lit up. "BELIEVE IT!" I shook my head at him. What a silly catchphrase.


"MISO, PORK, CHICKEN, AND BEEF!" I screamed while running to the ramen stnad. A cloud of smoke trailed behind me threatening to choke all those behind me. Maely Naruto.

"WAIT UP KUNASHI SENSEI!" He yelled almost as loud as me. "RAMEN!" We both screamed. 

Naruto slowed down enough to properly sit down on the stool... I crased into the same pole as my first time eating here. This time though... it creaked... and fell on me.

"AHHH!" I heard screamed. Pissed off, i threw it off of me, blood got in my eyes.

"GODDAMN POLE!" I kicked it to dust and sat down and ordered. I think everyone was scared of me by the end of the day.

"So..." i slurped noodles "How'd you get those bandages?" I asked Naruto.

He looked downwards.... "Fighiting Saskue." My brow arched in confusion.
"fightin- no." I whispered.

"He left the village." Naruto looked down again.

"Yo!" I turned to see the Perverted sage standing there.

 I punched him into the ground. "It's okay Naruto. Get stronger and bring him back." I ordered Naruto. He smiled up at me. "I WILL!"

I shook my head at him. "Ouch.... as I was saying, time to go Naruto." I turned around again, he had finally dug out of the hole. 

"Go? Where?" I asked him. 

"A training journy! I'm gonna be training for 2 1/2 years!" Naruto ranted excitedly.

"Sakura?" I asked even though I knew the awnser. 

""She's training with Obaa-san." I shook my head. She's gonna go through hell.....

Seeing Red... (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant