Mini Chapter: Promise

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"No!". Chrysalis cried, awakening from a horrible dream. As she collected herself, Sombra yawned, "Chrysalis? Are you alright?". Tears fell from Chrysalis's eyes, "Y-Yeah, I'm...". She clenched her hooves, smiling sadly. Sombra grew worried, "My Queen, what's wrong? Did something happen?". Chrysalis replied, "I'm sorry... Something must be, wrong with me.". "Chrysalis, what are you talking about?". Sombra asked, puzzled. "I mean...". Chrysalis sighed, "Listen, I... Something is-". "Controlling you.". Sombra said, finishing her sentence. Chrysalis gasped softly, "How...?". "heh. Lucky guess.". Sombra replied. Chrysalis sighed, sadness coursing through her. "To think... I would've killed you. I... I...". Chrysalis sobbed softly. Sombra hugged her as he said, "It won't happen again. I know it and... I shall make sure of it.". Chrysalis hugged back as her last tears fell. She smiled softly. "Thank you...". She whispered. Sombra nuzzled her. As Chrysalis laid back down, Sombra laid closer to her. Then Chrysalis snuggled into his fur, sighing softly. As she slept, Sombra smiled, then began to doze off. He eventually fell asleep.

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