Mini Chapter: The Date

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Sombra had Rover get him ready for the date he planned for him and Chrysalis. Yet he questioned himself if he was ready, "Rover? Do you think Chrysalis actually cares about me?". "Whaddya mean by that, boss?". Rover asked as he did his mane. "I mean,". Sombra began, "Chrysalis is everything I'm not! She's sweet, gentle, kind. She even gave up her army to give my people solid forms! It just... I-I feel like I'm not good enough for her...". Rover understood. Yet replied. "Well! I think you're both perfect for each other! You wanted an immortal Queen, and now you can have one. If you just tell her how you feel, then propose. I know she's gonna say yes!". Sombra made a small smile as he looked in the mirror. All he needed in life... was his Queen!

Chrysalis looked down to the floor as Sonata Dusk finished her makeup. She noticed her sadness and asked, "Your highness, is-". "Don't call me that...". Chrysalis interrupted. "It just... doesn't feel right anymore.". Sonata understood, then asked, "W-Well... Is everything alright, Chryssi?". Chrysalis sighed, "Do you think I'm good enough for him?". Sonata thought about it for a moment, then replied, "Well of course! You two are perfect for each other! In fact, him setting you free from the contract proves it.". Chrysalis smiled a bit as she thought of Sombra. How sweet he was to her. She blushed softly. All she needed in her life... was her King!

Sombra walked back and forth on the beach as he waited for Chrysalis. Things raced in his mind. "What if she didn't want to come? Did she forget? How-". His thoughts slowed down when he saw his Queen fly down to the sand. She was in a ruby red dress, with her mane soft and lush, her eye shadow still a shimmering green. Sombra's mouth dropped. "I... I look stupid, don't I.". Chrysalis said quietly, her head down. "No... You look..... stunning!". Sombra said, caressing her cheek. Chrysalis felt his hoof, so warm and comforting. They talked for hours as they walked across the seashore. Sombra then sat next to her as they gazed at the stars. "The stars are, beautiful tonight. Don't you think?". Chrysalis asked. Sombra blushed a bit, smiled lightly, and replied, "Yes but..... Not nearly as beautiful as you.". Chrysalis's eyes widened! She blushed brightly! Sombra thought he made a big mistake. Yet Chrysalis nuzzled his cheek, and said, "Well... then I guess that makes you handsome!". Sombra blushed as he smiled. "Queen Chrysalis, there's something I've been meaning to ask you...". Chrysalis nodded, awaiting his answer. Then, without warning..... Sombra dipped her down and kissed her on the lips. Chrysalis's eyes widened. She remembered how he did this to her not too long ago. Her eyes closed, her hooves wrapped around her king, and her heart began to soar once again! As their lips descended, Sombra smiled gently and said, "Will you marry me?.". Chrysalis smiled back and said, "I do!.". An hour later they came back home, their hearts soaring like crazy! Chrysalis and Sombra managed to do the impossible....

To be continued...

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