Mini Chapter: The Battle With Tirek 1 & 2 scenarios

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Sombra fought as well as he could, but it wasn't enough. Tirek was too strong. Sombra had to keep going, for his Queen! Once he couldn't handle anything else, Chrysalis came, screeching the changeling call. As Tirek ran off from being eaten alive, Chrysalis came to Sombra, who was lying motionless in the ground. As she held him, Sombra managed to flutter his eyes open. He smiled weakly as he tried to speak, "C-Chrys... alis... can you... put a sleeping s-spell on... me p... please?". "Absolutely not Sombra! I'm not going to lose you! Please... don't leave me...". Chrysalis said, tears falling down her cheeks. Chrysalis managed to lift his hoof and wipe away her tears. He smiled weakly, then said, "M-my Queen... I-I'm not going to die... on you. It's n...not my time. I'm staying strong... f-for you.". Chrysalis smiled sadly. She knew he was strong enough to survive despite his injuries, but the sadness was still coming out of her. It wasn't just about Sombra. It was about all the pain she had been through. It was all coming out. She sobbed quietly. "Shhhhh...". Sombra said. He smiled weakly. Sombra held Chrysalis's hoof. He said nothing as he smiled gently. Chrysalis then gave him a loving kiss as she mixed her Healing powers with the sleeping spell. His breathing normalized, his eyes began to swell with his final tears before his slumber. After that moment, Chrysalis breathed out a sigh of relief as she heard her King snores softly. She smiled gently as she flew off. Sombra made a promise that night: that he would always protect his Queen.

Sombra awakened to the touch of his Queen's hoof as she gently patted his. Chrysalis smiled gently as she kissed his cheek. Sombra returned with a weak smile. They said nothing to each other, for they already knew they were destined to be!

Sombra galloped happily to the castle of the two sisters, hoping his Queen was there. He was finally going to propose to her! Yet as he opened the doors, he was confronted by Tirek, Tempest Shadow, and a hooded figure. Within moments, he was slammed into a wall! They beat him black and blue! His blood began to shed! He couldn't take it anymore. Then the hooded figure approached him, removed it's cloak, and stared into the eyes of his greatest fear: Radiant Hope herself... Tears started falling. They rushed down his face. As he was occupied, Tirek stole his magic, broke his horn, and put it on Tempest Shadow. Sombra fell to the ground as he made his last breath, tears still streaming down his cheeks. His breath shallowed. He vision narrowed. Then...

Chrysalis rushed to the castle as she saw rubble everywhere, broken statues, and her fallen King. Motionless on the ground. "Sombra!". Chrysalis gasped. As she tried to nudge him awake, she tried so hard not to believe he was gone. "S... Sombra?". She stuttered. When he didn't awaken, Chrysalis held him in her hooves. She smiled sadly, remembering all the time they spent together. His warm smile, his eyes that looked through her soul showing the good in her, his wonderful chuckle, and his personality. Without that, she had nothing to live for. She sobbed softly. She then remembered something. She used a navigation spell and flew of as she continued to hold him. She managed to find the Tree of Harmony. As she continued to hold him, she said, "Listen... I know neither of us should be forgiven for our actions, but... please. Save him. Save us. Please.". The Tree began to glow! It's magic wrapped around Sombra and Chrysalis. Moments after, Sombra breathing returned. His eye smoke returned as well. He felt his surroundings, trying to find Chrysalis. As she held Sombra's hoof, his eyes fluttered open. He smiled weakly as he was her beautiful eyes!
To be continued...

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