The Fair

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It's been a few weeks since my aunt and I have come to Derry and now it's that time of year again. The Derry State Fair. I remember last time I was here there were missing kid posters everywhere. Bill took me out on a date last week. It was really nice. The only thing bad was that the Losers were watching from outside the window of the restaurant. Bill and I thought it was funny that they were 'stalking' us. Back to the present. The Losers and I are walking to the fair with the occasional joke from Richie and the 'Beep Beep' before he ever said something bad. It was a good day so far. There was a marching band in the background of all our talking. Then we got to where the stage was. There was a clown doing tricks while walking on stilts.

"Those things still give me the heebie jeebies." Richie said turning his head the opposite way of the clown.

"Let's keep walking guys." Ben said also looking away.

For the rest of the day we just ate junk food and listened to Richie and Eddie argue.

Then, when we were all sitting down on a bench I had some sort of.. vision.

[The next few paragraphs are from the original IT movie]
It was us. The Losers. All together except.. Mike and Stan were missing. I saw myself holding a slingshot. I've seen that slingshot. It was the one I used to kill Pennywise.

"I hope that someone remembered to bring something useful, like a machine gun." Richie said.

"I brought this it's the only thing I saved from those days." I say holding up a slingshot.

"I remember you were a dead shot." Ben said.

"Couldn't miss." Said Eddie.

"It was like it was supposed to be, Bev. Remember? You hit the clown, Pennywise, in the head. It broke open." Ben told me.

"And underneath it was a light." I said.

"Bright lights." Said Ben.

"Dead lights." Bill said.

Then I was back in the present. I guess nobody noticed I spaced out for a little there. Should I tell them? No. I don't tell them. I don't want them to worry. Maybe I'll tell them another day but.. for now it's best I keep this to myself. For the next ten minutes I didn't say anything and just listened to the boy's conversation. I guess soon they noticed I wasn't talking much because they started to just say random things.

"Santa Claus is coming to townnnnnn!"


"A B C D E F G-"

"Ok! Ok! I hear you guys. What is it?" I asked them.

"Nothing we just wanted to see if you were listening." Richie said shrugging like nothing had happened.

The rest of the day I remained quiet. The boys were being boys and doing some stupid things. That's when I started to notice how each of them had changed a bit in the last three years. None of them cussed anymore, Bill's stuttering is getting better.. somewhat, Ben has lost a lot of weight... Not saying he was fat before, and Stan has girlfriend!

When the sun started setting everyone said goodbye and we parted ways. I walked back to the motel thinking about what I had seen in my vision earlier.

A/N: Sorry for adding a scene from the 1990 version of IT I know most of you are more familiar with the newer version but.. I love both movies so I had too. Till next time fellow losers.

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