Chapter Four: Crashing and Planning

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"We should do this more often."

Stealth mode was a blessing for these two. No one could see it. No one would question it. A win win situation was upon them. The robot was currently standing at the bay. The pilot wanted to take a break, so he headed to their closest destination. Spyder climbed on top of the machine. His friend followed right behind him. From the outside, it seemed as if they were floating in midair. Luckily, no one was around to actually see the two levitating boys.

"We should bro. This is fun." Spyder agreed.

Ryan smiled as he laid down on the robot's head. He looked up at the numerous amount of stars decorating the night sky. The moon was to his left. It was the brightest light to glow. The sounds of nature had began to kick in. Crickets were able to chirp. Bats flew over the trees. Some frogs croaked on the lillypads. It wasn't every day or night most people experienced this, so it was nice to take a chance and do this.

"Why didn't we do this before?" Ryan asked.

Spyder looked at him.

"Well I mean, having school and monsters coming-"

"Yeah I get that. I mean when we have time. I don't think we've done this at all." Ryan clarified.

"I never really thought about it. Usually, I just watch some TV and eat." Spyder responded.

"Who doesn't do that?" Ryan questioned.

Spyder shrugged.

"Once the monsters are gone, we can come here all the time." He said.

"What if they don't go away?" Ryan wondered.

Spyder glanced at the sky before answering.

"Without Grey, Harper, or Trager, there's not gonna be anymore monsters. And then we can do what we did before." He stated.

"Go through Bay City East's crap and deal with being freshman?" Ryan quizzed.

"If you look at it like that." Spyder retorted.

The pilot shook his head.

"I don't want that." He spoke.

Spyder shot him a confused look. He laid down beside his friend.

"I thought you wanted a normal life." The jokester said.

"My life wasn't really normal. I'm adopted because of my powers. That's not normal, nothing ever was. And....I don't think I wanna try and be normal." Ryan explained honestly.

Spyder smiled a bit. His eyes returned to the sky. There was a brief moment of silence between the two. The daredevil didn't say it, but he was somewhat on the same page with his best friend. Since they started high school, nothing has been normal. Mech X4 and these clever, crazy people have been trying to destroy them. Even when it felt like the end, another twist and turn made it the opposite. How can you just go back to being normal?

"You guys will never have a normal life with me around." The hat wearing boy joked.

Ryan chuckled.

"You can say that about the both of us." He agreed.

"Yeah, that's true. Especially when you help change my grade in the system." Spyder told him.

"What?" Ryan questioned.

"Oh you'll do it. And while your at it, change some of yours too. You need it." Spyder replied.

Ryan shook his head. Taking another look at the sky, he yawned. Spyder checked the time on his phone. 11:31pm. The pilot sighed as he stretched a little. Spyder watched as he did so.

"Ready to head back?" He asked.

His friend nodded. The two stood up and traveled back into the robot. The young technopath locked into his harness and linked to the machine. Spyder sat in his usual spot. Too tired to say his catchphrase, the pilot began to move Mech X4. The freshman left the bay to head back to the ferry.


"You stopped for a doughnut?!"

Grey was on the phone with Morris. He was busy walking to the house. Along the way, he had been enjoying a warm, sweet doughnut. It was dusted with cinnamon and sugar. The second in command shrugged.

"Best doughnuts in Bay City." Morris spoke.

"Would you focus?! We've got kids to destroy dodo! Move it!" Grey ordered.

"Woah, chill. It's not like you call the shots. Harper does, so watch it." Morris replied.

Grey shook her head.

"Oh please you idiot, I know so much more than you. I can get rid of Harper whenever I want." She said.

Morris raised an eyebrow as he finished his treat.

"What do you mean get rid of him?" He asked.

"Get rid of him. Trust me, you'll see who really calls the shots." Grey warned with an evil grin.

Morris grew suspicious.

"What are you-"

That's when he heard the phone hang up. Morris was shocked. Grey was a little witch. She double crossed them both! The second in command shook his head. He went to go back to the base. Missions are important, but if he was to report back, who knows what Grey would do? She already has something up her sleeve in that crazy little mind of hers. What could she be planning? And why did Seth have to be a pawn in it?

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