Chapter Three: What The Night Does To You

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The stars shimmered ever so brightly as two freshman were traveling around Bay City. For once, they weren't fighting a monster or looking for Grey. They were in Mech X4. They were using it because they wanted to. And it's not like power was being wasted. It was just a as the technopath chose to call it. Making sure that all systems were a go. Of course, that was just an excuse to use the machine.

"So, where are we going? The zoo? The ocean? Manhattan?!" Spyder asked.

His friend looked at him.

"Why would we go to Manhattan?" Ryan questioned in return.

"Cause it has mountains and I wanna stand on top of one." Spyder answered.

"You know it'll take like a lot of time to do that, right?" Ryan quizzed.

Spyder was silent.

"Well, I'll get to look at one." He changed his mind.

Ryan shook his head. He faced back at the front.

"But seriously, what gives? What are we doing?" Spyder inquired a bit more seriously.

"Walking around with the robot." Ryan responded.

"That's it? That's all we're doing? I thought this was gonna get crazy." Spyder stated disappointed.

"Well...if you insist." Ryan answered back with a smirk.

He abruptly halted Mech X4. Spyder hit his desk in the process. His friend tapped into the machine. Without using the flight mode, he was able to lift the robot up. Just like the elevator, the two freshman were shot into the air. The speed and intensity was insane. Spyder screamed in enjoyment as the pilot had a huge smile on his face. Spreading his arms out, he manoeuvred the now flying machine.

"This is awesome!!" Spyder shouted.

The technopath couldn't agree more.

"How are you doing this?!" Spyder questioned.

"We need Harris and Veracity for flight mode! I guess my powers can help us fly when weapons and modes are down!" Ryan discovered.

"Cool!!" Spyder yelled.

The fifteen year old began to slow down a bit as he flew in the sky. Spyder got up and stood next to him. The two of them got a good look over the city. Buildings everywhere, the thin layer of clouds hovering, and the moon was the center of attention. It truly was an amazing sight.

"Wow..." Ryan said breathlessly.

"This is what birds do." Spyder added.

Ryan glanced at him and chuckled.

"You think we'll get busted for being in here?" Spyder wondered.

"Leo isn't even in here. So, I'm guessing we'll be fine." Ryan responded.

Spyder nodded.

"What made you wanna do this?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Ryan returned in question.

"Why'd you wanna take this robot out for a joy ride?" Spyder deepened.

Ryan shrugged.

"Have some fun. With all this stuff going on, I wanted to do something a know-"

"Crazy?" Spyder finished.

Ryan nodded a bit. Spyder smiled.

"Someone's...following in my footsteps." He fake cried.

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