Risky Foreplay (Starscream x Mech Reader) Lemon

Start from the beginning

"Megatron has told me many codes for unlocking unaccessable areas of the ship. I am most certain that one of them will unlock this door", he informed. He really wasn't going to back out of this was he? I doubt I'd be able to stop him at this point. Nothing I've said so far has gotten through to him. it's not so much him that I'm worried about. I would definitely get a death penalty if Megatron were to know about this risky ordeal, no matter how intriguing his room may be. I didn't want to think about it too much otherwise i would start thinking like Starscream.

"So if you can't figure out a way to open the door, then i'm guessing we can call off this whole idea?" I asked still against this whole idea of breaking into our leader's private quarters. I tried my best to divert myself from this situation. Even with Starscream's reasoning, I wasn't sure if it was worth the risk. We were practically breaking in there, and that set off a lot of red flags in my processor. 

"Tsk tsk, You give up too easily", he shook his helm. It's not like I was too weak to even try. I just didn't want 'being smelted in the pits by Megatron' being added to the list of my endeavours today. He already started entering series of codes, most failing with a unpleasant buzz. I started to feel more anxious the more times he entered a new code. The suspense was killing me and i don't know why. Did I secretly wish for him to be able to open the door? Maybe. I didn't know what to think anymore. 

"Hmm, I wonder", the seeker mumbled to himself. He entered 6 keys into the keypad. I was waiting for the same buzz to deny access, but there was a different sound. I was startled when the panels of the door withdrew, revealing the contents of our master's room. My insides shrunk when I peered inside the dark and ambient quarters of the unknown. Starscream chuckled softly.

"I figured that wouldn't of been too difficult", he said with a cocky grin. "After you". I was reluctant on moving forward. Quickly scanning the area to make sure nobody could see what we were doing, I looked back at the seeker with troubled optics. 

"What if Megatron comes back?", I spoke weary. Starscream rolled his optics at me. 

"Come on (Y/n). I know your just as curious as me on what lies beyond these doors", he gestured. "I doubt we could get another opportunity like this". Damnit he was right, and he knew he was by the wideness of his grin. I don't know why I even bothered fighting. 

"Fine, but if this ends up biting us in the aft then I'll be forced to put all the blame on you", I poked at his chassis before passing him. As we both entered the room, Starscream took precautions and reactivated the security lock. We each took the liberty in scanning what warmongering treasures lied within Megatron's domain. There was so much to look at. 

On the wall there were many weapons displayed, none I really recognised like his signature Dark Star Sabre. I assumed they were either trophies gained by past enemies or spoils of his early gladiator days. Whatever the case, they remained untouched for quite some time.

"Very promising", Starscream stated with fascination. "What the warlord see's as everyday rubbish, we see as hidden secrets. Perhaps some that hold meaning". I wasn't really sure if he was talking to me or himself at this point, though I shared the same fascination on Megatron's belongings. The fear that I had upon entering this place didn't seem to affect me anymore. I was too distracted by what I could uncover by looking further. One thing did struck to mind though.

"Have you never been in Megatron's quarters before?", I asked as I continued to explore what little I knew about the warlord's possessions. As the second in command you would think he had spent enough time in here to recognise what was physically visible. 

"Only for brief occasions when he needed to fill me in on a mission or lecture me. I always have trouble differentiating the two", he replied with a slightly annoyed tone. I almost laughed at his remark. His servos were holding some kind of statue that was displayed on a desk. 

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