Welcome Home! Don't Touch My Guitar

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"Jaime," one if them interjected, "pronounced HI-ME,"
What the flip?

The one introduced as Tony gave me a small wave, and HI-ME smiled fourty miles wide, showing off the grand-canyon-size dimples that dominated his cheeks. Michael, smiled a bit and slightly nodded his head towards me. Victor just stood there gawking at me, his jaw basically on the fucking floor.

"Dani, Vic here has been titled your genetic father. Do you remember those DNA tests you took a while back?"

I nodded my head, shifting my attention between Vic and Julia.

"Well, when you take thise tests they pull all of the possible matches and test for similarities. Mr. Fuentes was the only match. He has filled out papers and is going to be taking custody of you."

I didn't really know what to say to that. It was so sudden.

"Hello, sperm-giver," I waved and walked back towards the stairs.

"I'm so sorry. I'll go get her," I heard Julia apologize behind me.

I was already at the top of the stairs when she appeared in the hallway.

"D, you were the one who wanted to know who he was. Why are you so upset, now?"

"I'm not upset. I'm packing my bags,"

"Well, damn. You don't have  to be so bitchy about it," she teased in a squeaky voice.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll be down in a few minutes."

I disappeared into my room.

My walls were bare, all of my posters were still rolled up from when I moved and was too lazy to put them up again. That made packing a hella lot faster.

I grabbed my suitcase from the closet and unzipped it, setting it on my bed. I opened all of my drawers, pulling out small stacks of clothes, and placing them inside of my bag. I gathered all of my cosmetics and shiz like that and shoved them in the extra spaces. I threw in my white Vans and my apple laptop on top before zipping it up. My roll of poster was slid into one of the front pockets of the bag.

I also grabbed my cords for my phone and laptop and stuck them in the pocket adjacent to the one holding my posters.
That's it......I think.

I rolled it out and into the hallway.

I marched back downstairs to see all of the guys sitting on the couch.

When I walked into the room they all looked up at me.

"Oh my God. Why are you all staring at me? Is there something on my face?" I touched my cheeks.

They all giggled. Giggled. Giggled. Grown men just fucking giggled at me.

"What? Is there? Guiiisssseeeee," I whined, making them laugh.

Jaime looked at me again, not quite sober, "Yes, there is a nose on your face,"

"Smartass," I mumbled to him. I stuck up my middle finger and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a drink.

"Would you like somethkng to drink?" I called into the living room.

"No, thank you,"

"Yeah, a water please"

"Yes, please. I'll have some water,"

"Nah, you don't have to get me anything," I heard Jaime's reply.

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