A World Without

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When I had been sitting there, on my bed, with the gun, time lost all meaning. I could have been there three hours or three minutes. Either way it dosn' t matter now.

Because that sunny Thursday afternoon I said a prayer, asking for forgiveness for all I had done and all I was about to do. Then slowly I placed that barrel against my skull, and slowly, delibratly, squeezed that trigger.

All I heard was "click" and then I experienced the most intense pain I'd ever felt, as if ever fiber of being was ripped apart, tearing my soul from the body I had once occupied. And then it all went still. I felt... nothing.

I slowly climbed to my feet and turned around only to see, the now corpse I had once been known as.

I had looked around my room trying to find the brilliant white light that would lead my soul to heaven. As the seconds, Then minutes passed by I slowly realised there was no bright light and I wasn't being saved.

So I just sat there and watched the blood drip from the head of the pale faced figure in front of me. My once white comforter now a deep shade of scarlet.

Eventually the sun set behind the hilltops and the moon and stars awoke, yet still I did not move.

Around 2am my father came staggering into the eerily quite house, but to tierd to care he fell into his bed. He didn't even peek into my room to see the red mess my head had made.

As a couple days passed I slowly began to realise the world was going on without me. No one missed me or even noticed I was gone.

My friends don't miss me like I thought they would. I don't get to see my mom in heaven. And now what? I don't evern know what to do now that I'm dead.

This isn't what the afterlife was supposed to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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