A bad dream and A visitor

Start from the beginning

"This is a bad idea." K-13 replied going to the corner. He didn't shut down though instead he put himself into low power mode.

"Sowwy about my dwoud. He can get a little pwotective of me. Now, who you?"

"That is none of your concern. I should be asking you that. Oh wait, I know who you are. I've heard all about you. Your just a pet project who has no significance at all. I on the other hand am an important asset to the Empire. One day Vader will tire of you as he did his previous apprentices and he will kill you. Your garbage and you certainly not worth my energy or time." Director Krennic replied.

Tears flooded my eyes and I was filled with sadness. However, as his words echoed in my mind my sadness quickly turned to anger. My eyes flashed a deep blood red with hints of yellow. "You mean. If you hadn't been called by my Masta Me'd habe punished you fowa that comment. By the way, let me gibe you some fwee advice, you should do as K-13 suggests. Because fwom what I've been told you is alweady walking on thin ice."

"How dare you threaten me!" With that the Director slapped me across the face once more.
Suddenly the doors to our castle opened and Daddy appeared. His shadow engulfed us and I heard the Director gulp.

"Director Krennic." Vader said in his deep robotic voice.

"Lord Vader..." The Director stuttered the fear in his voice clearly evident.

Daddy ignored my presence for the moment and focused his attention solely on the Director. "You seem unsettled."

"No just pressed for time. I have a great many things to attend too." Director Krennic replied.

I sighed and shook my head "this is going to be intewesting." I replied my eyes sparkling in delight with his answer.

"My apologies Director. You do have a great many things to explain." I chuckled as I could  clearly hear the irritation in Daddy's voice. It was obvious that he didn't like Director Krennic's response.

Director Krennic didn't seem to understand the situation. "I delivered the weapon the Emperor requested. I deserve an audience to make sure he understands..." Director Krennic's voice trailed off as Daddy stepped closer to him. "It's remarkable potential."

"It's power to create problems has certainly been confirmed." Daddy replied and I giggled and the Director glared at me. "A city destroyed. An imperial facility openly attacked." Daddy replied turning his back to the Director. I knew that as far as Daddy was concerned the conversation was over. The Director on the other hand decided to play the blame game.

"It was Govner Tarkin who suggested the test." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. The man certainly was dumb. He must have some sort of wish to go bye bye. (Death wish)

"You just don't know when to shut up do you?" I asked with a smile.

"Mind your own business you little Brat!" The Director replied with a growl slapping me hard across the face.

At this, Daddy paused and turned his attention back to the Director. "You weren't brought here to grovel Director."

"No.. It's..." The Director replied once again stuttering in fear.

Daddy interrupted his sentence "there is no Death Star. The Senate has been informed that Jetta was destroyed in a mining disaster."

"Yes my Lord." Director Krennic's replied the defeat in his voice clearly evident.

"I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor that Galen Urso has not compromised this weapon in any Way!" Daddy replied pointing his finger at the Director before turning to go. As he did he turned his attention to me. "Come Catherine!!"

Darth Vader's daughter 4th versionWhere stories live. Discover now