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Just another Friday night?

"I officially love fridays!" My best friend Emma grinned looking around the club that we just entered.

        I partially agreed with her considering what I was seeing around. Loud music that filled the place with the energy that makes you numb, a bar tender who was too handsome to be a bar tender juggling his charm through drinks in the heart of ladies at the counter, group of people moving to the beats of music on the dance floor which was brightly lit with violet lights contrasting the other areas of the club which were comparatively dimmer, made this place perfect for forgetting all your problems for hours.

Aren't friday nights meant for this?

              You work your ass through the week and get to loose yourself finally. No need to wake up early in the morning next day, no need to face the same people, don't have to deal with problems for atleast next two days.

"Jess, come on, lets find Brian," Emma said dragging me towards the dimmer areas of the club.

Brian was Emma's boyfriend of the month.

Yes, boyfriend of the month!

        Just like me, Emma was immune to falling in love. Well, it's not like we don't get attracted to men, it's just that the attraction doesn't last too long. And it's not like we don't want to fall in love, trust me, we are dying to have boyfriends. So even though Emma thinks Brian is her forever, I know it isn't going to last long just like others. She will eventually get bored of him and stop seeing him.

       It has always been easier for us to move on, because being young independent women, e never had to depend on the guys we date, emotionally or otherwise.

"Look, there he is," Emma said pointing at one of the tables in the corner.

This was the first time I was going to meet Brian. Considering how Emma never ever made me meet one of his 'boyfriends', it came like a shock to me when she said she wants me to meet Brian. Emma mentioned that Brian went to the same high school as her but never met back then.

        I looked at the guy she was pointing towards, sitting on the table while we walked towards him. With the dim lights of the booth, I could only say that he was a fairly handsome guy with brown hair and was wearing a black jacket on a light coloured t-shirt and that he was busy scrolling through his phone with a small frown playing on his forehead.

"Brian!" Emma called as we were reaching the table smiling ear to ear. I noticed a huge smile on his face as he noticed Emma walk upto him.

Brian got up from his seat and gave Emma a light hug as Emma reached the table, I followed after her.

"Brian, meet Jess," she said introducing me to him.

"Brian," he said, giving me a soft smile that flashed a small dimple on his left cheek and stretched his hand for me to shake.

Brian, no doubt was the most good looking guy Emma has ever dated. She is usually the bad-boy kind. Leather jackets, bikes, tattoos, piercings, etc. is her "type". I was suprised how Brian looked like he had none of that. So not only Brian was the most good looking guy she has ever dated, but also the most decent one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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